Monday, December 03, 2012

It is All About Me!

Oh here is where the truth really is at.  I just love my initials - why because it is me, they are mine!  I have said that before but maybe it is because at times I am self absorbed too.  It is all about me - right?  This whole blog really is all about me by design and I feel egocentric when I think about it but hell that is why I have a blog!  It is a place that I can be egocentric and get things out of my head so I can be normal in the really world and have concern, caring and compassion for humans in the world - which I truly do.  Also I write all this shit, so I can write what I want.  Me, me, me, me --- LOL.  Oh ya - me!

Much like when you go to Disney and you find the hidden Mickey's my love of initials has become a game - of course all about me.  There are GSPs all about!  Check out below - Jane sent me a GSP that she noticed at a recent swim meet of her daughters - thanks for thinking me Jane - love ya.  Then on the bulletin board at the grocery store I found a hidden GSP!  Of course I did not want to take the GSP since then others could not enjoy finding it so I just took a picture of it - because that is so me.  Me - me - me.  Oh did I also tell you I am sarcastic :)  Me, me, me - gotta love me.  If you find any hidden GSPs make sure to send them along and I will love you too!


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