Sunday, September 30, 2012

Woofstock 2012

Yesterday they had the first annual Woofstock in downtown Escondido.  My friend Carla has 3 dogs and volunteers at the shelter so I told her I would come down and hangout.  It was totally packed with vendors, groups, and people with their dogs.  I do not hate dogs but cannot say that I am a dog lover.  Carla had a dog named Ernie from the shelter that is up for adoption.  He is super cute and I am sure will get adopted very soon.  He garnered a lot of attention so I just started answering questions for all the people although that was Carla's job.  I could not remember his name so I just kept making up new ones, he was fine with it.  Got  tons of samples and gave most of them to Carla and the new neighbors.  Carla and I met in Spanish class and we bumped into both another student from the class but also our teacher.  She had a booth of knitted stuff and it was cool but I had no use for it.  Small world, well I guess not if you leave Escondido once in a while but who needs to LOL.

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