Saturday, July 24, 2010

Momma's Boy

Somebody called me a momma's boy this week. It is true - I will not deny it. I love both my parents. I am adult and see them as the humans they are - flawed as everyone is but not a bad pair of people in general by any means. I have no desire to want them as the parents that are portrayed in disney films - I accept them for who they are instead of who they are not. But when it comes to my mother - I just love her. She is nuts - crazy - and at times a whole heap of work but she loves me the best she can and so I adore her. My siblings get mad because they think I am a kiss ass but it is so easy to make her happy. I know the goofy things that put a smile on her face and just because I take the time to do them does not make me a kiss ass. She is having hip replacement surgery in August so I am coming back for it. I am sure it will be fine but it will make me happy to be there - plus I am sure she is a bit worried. She is a worry wart (I got that gene) plus it is still surgery, no matter how routine. She is the busiest woman I currently know so lord knows what she is gonna be like when she has a bionic hip. She makes me very happy - I am looking forward to seeing her do even better. Everyone says I am just like her and I cannot think of a better compliment.

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