Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where There is a Will

I love Will Young - I just adore him and have written about him plenty before on this blog. He just is perfect in every way - looks, talent, attitude. I mean I crossed the USA then the Atlantic alone just to see him live. It was difficult for other reasons and yet I am so glad I did. I knew he was gonna be on Am Idol yesterday. I was glued to my set - kinda annoyed that I was not there but that 7,000 people who have no clue as to who he is, were - however it was all good. His performance was great and I was getting such a thrill knowing that he is only 90 miles from me. Don't get me wrong - I am not having a Shaun Cassidy teeny bop crush but it is something light and fluffy that I enjoy - I am allowed.

The other night I chatted with Neelam online. I know so many special people but there is something about her. I do not see her or talk to her as often as others but there is just a special spot in my heart that she will completely fill even past my last breaths. There is a sparkle that she gave me which I will always have with me. She was going off to London to assist her father as he had a stroke. She is remarkable. I never knew the full story but truthfully it seemed the only thing he ever gave her is DNA. And yet with little notice she was on a plane. That is what I love about her - that is Neelam - simply inspiring. When I told Michelle the story of Neelam going to help her father, she said Neelam is a tank - indestructible. And I agree - Neelam is a power to be reckoned with.

Today I bumped into her online again and wished her well on her trip as I still know no matter what, it has to be difficult for her. After a very brief chat I went to a meeting. When I returned there was a voicemail on my cell phone that said, "It's Neelam calling cuz it was strange to see you online with me in England and you in California. Even stranger was that bout an hour later I saw Will Young on TV so it made my heart skip and jump many, many times. Scott - thinking of ya - often - love you."

Last night I had a smile thinking of Will so close although he knew nothing of me and tonight I have a much, much bigger smile with Neelam 5,500 miles away yet thinking of me. I love her.

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