Thursday, May 20, 2010

Angel and the Demon

Angel said to me this week, “I am glad I know you because I now go to sleep with a smile on my face”. This very same week an old demon said to me, “You have shown yourself to be one of the meanest and most hurtful persons that I have ever met”. What do I do with these? I gave them both the same reply, “Thank you”. The same reply I give when I want to be gracious as I am given a strange or bizarre gift. Yet there is no good will to drop words off at and so instead they now occupy real estate in my head. There is no universal truth in this world, except perhaps in math and as they take the census, still people are not numbers. People have perceptions and that is their truth. People believe gay marriage is wrong. Other people think gay marriage is nothing to be concerned about either way. Still other people believe that gay marriage is a god given right. Which one is true? There are wars, strife, genocides and other atrocities conducted by humans that so firmly believe in their truths they are willing to do to the most extreme measures to show it’s importance.

I have been called generous, toxic, kind, mean, caring, unsympathetic, handsome, ugly, etc – the list goes on and on. Which is true? I need to look within to find that answer as looking outward is too confusing. No one outward tells me the truth – they only tell me their truth. The challenge presented to me, to all of us, is to find that from within my truth. Only I know my truths. Simpler said in these typed words than in action and motion for me. This is not a new notion but one that I have been keenly aware of lately.

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