Monday, June 23, 2008

Michelle's Memories

The party you threw before I moved to NYC.

Editor's Note: Of course I remember that night. I had it at Dianne's house and man was it a blast. I was so excited for you and yet at the same time sad but put together one helluva send off. Marty in the suburbs - that alone is enough reason to never be able to forget that night. And Jessica - remember her? So cute - so sweet and she really worked that rocker grrrrl look. Neelam and Matt. Your parents and my parents. Kinda making me misty eyed right now but more so because I was a bit afraid. Such a big change for you but more selfishly for me as change has never been my forte. Yet I learned from it physical distance has nothing to do with truth, sincerity and love. I hold that lesson dear and exercise it frequently. On top if it all - looking back at this, yes even then I could see this was the threshold of a new chapter for you - but now all these years later - it is absolutely not possible for a better story to be written that followed. You followed your passion, you conquered NYC and made a beautiful life. You battled the lows and celebrated the highs. It is so truly your ability for the remarkable that has kept me breathless all these years.

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