Sunday, June 29, 2008

Well That Turned Out Very Fun

Saturday I went up to LA to see Joe Rogan. Yes he is the guy from Fear Factor but he is also a stand up comic and wicked funny (very dirty - I love it). It was at the Improv and was so cool there. All those years of HBO specials and now here I am in that very room. If you saw the logo or trademark exposed brick wall behind the comic then you would also say - ah I recognize that place. So many laughs plus he is cute so that is always good. Afterward we ate there and he was hanging at the bar so my friend Margaret started chatting him up. Nice guy. Not super nice but respectful and appreciative of fans that are the same. Plus hello, he is very cute. Great night - thank you Margaret!

Sunday I went on a second date with Richard - very enjoyable for sure. We went to see Wanted and got a bite to eat at a diner and then had a drink at a local watering hole. It was fun and I was pleased. Although he thinks I live under a rock because I guess Wanted is some big summer blockbuster with Angelina Jolie that just got released and I had never even heard of it before. It had plenty of action and that cute guy from Atonement (which I loved!). Richard has a big bellow of a laugh and the sweetest hazel eyes - they are so bright and clear they look could not possibly be real, but they are. I am content and look forward to seeing him again. He expressed the same which really lit up my smile. We will see where it goes - but we are definitely on the right street.

Perro Caliente

I went out drinking and dancing with Agustin and friends recently. He has such a heart of gold. Do I have a mad crush on him? Of course I do. He is so cute, so sweet and best of all so true. Am I a bit foolish in that aspect - sure I am. Aren't all crushes foolish to a certain degree? To a larger degree isn't that the point of a crush? And again although I am foolish, am I stupid? No! I do not want to marry Agustin. I do not want a romantic relationship with Agustin. I do not want anything other to enjoy his company and have a reason to put my amazing smile to good use. What makes it all perfect is that is exactly what he wants from me too.

In any case, poor Agustin had a bit too much to drink and started feeling lousy. Jorge took him off to the bathroom. They were gone for a bit and just as I got concerned enough to go check in on him they returned. Seems they slipped out for a bite to eat to restore Agustin's complexion from green back to it deep and lovely brown. This all seems odd to me as usually if you have had too much to drink then food is the last thing anyone wants. So now I am curious - what is this miracle food that helped? Three chili hot dogs!?! OMG it must be a Mexican thing because I was not even drunk and the thought of three chili hot dogs from a street vendor cart in TJ was making me a bit queasy.
He is too cute - a little crazy but still too cute.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Move Out - Don't Mess Around

This is so the Summer of the 80's - I am dying! I have had my Human League, Belinda Carlisle, ABC, Dead or Alive, etc tickets for ages and that show is in August. In June George Michael pissed all the critics off by kicking off one helluva tour in San Diego and now YAZ! I cannot wait. I knew they were doing a reunion tour but this has worked out so well. Richard said he is going with friends so I asked if I could tag along as it is in LA. I hate the drive to LA in general and with gas at $4.87 a gallon, I really hate the drive to LA. He said that is a great idea - which makes me very happy and so I got a single ticket as they already had their tickets. Because I got a single ticket I got 5th Row Orchestra - I already know I am going to pass out and die right on the spot as soon as the curtain goes up. I am 40 and yet am so in the 12th grade still.
The 80's will never die - yay!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Por El Rey

He is the best.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tangled Web

I am sorry for the hurt, pain, confusion and disappointment you have had to endure. I know that it has nothing to do with me but that does not mean that I don't know these things firsthand and would never want a good friend to feel the same. I know you will find clarity and that you have the strength to work through it - as difficult as that is . I wish I could do more but we all have our journeys we need to make alone. I may not be there in person but I am there with you.

Michelle's Memories

The party you threw before I moved to NYC.

Editor's Note: Of course I remember that night. I had it at Dianne's house and man was it a blast. I was so excited for you and yet at the same time sad but put together one helluva send off. Marty in the suburbs - that alone is enough reason to never be able to forget that night. And Jessica - remember her? So cute - so sweet and she really worked that rocker grrrrl look. Neelam and Matt. Your parents and my parents. Kinda making me misty eyed right now but more so because I was a bit afraid. Such a big change for you but more selfishly for me as change has never been my forte. Yet I learned from it physical distance has nothing to do with truth, sincerity and love. I hold that lesson dear and exercise it frequently. On top if it all - looking back at this, yes even then I could see this was the threshold of a new chapter for you - but now all these years later - it is absolutely not possible for a better story to be written that followed. You followed your passion, you conquered NYC and made a beautiful life. You battled the lows and celebrated the highs. It is so truly your ability for the remarkable that has kept me breathless all these years.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How Could I Not Smile

When I am out having so much fun with my Mexican cutie friends!
PS Agustin - you are el mas dulce!

Ok It Was Brilliant

What a fantastic show - the tickets ended up be these crazy, insane, excellent seats. My fussyness paid off since I got will call tickets because I wanted to get an actual ticket to put into my ticket album. They upgraded all the will call seats and we were 4 rows from the stage! This is a picture from the web of the actual show and this was my view all night. The sound was great, the stage show was high tech without being overwhelming, and everyone danced for the full two hours! I knew it could go either way but it so went into the brilliant range. Little sad because it completely would have been a show the we would have seen because he loved George Michael but you know what - I could not have been any happier being with Rick. A completely great friend that went right along with the fantastic vibe although he only knew two of the songs. But hell he did not care as it was one big disco dance party. Fantastic!
Editors Note: Really Rick you are the best - I am glad I have a friend like you and your fearlessness is so admirable.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lookout Annie Leibowitz

So this is my new favorite picture. I was at birthday party for Jorge and asked Agustin, who is perhaps the sweetest creature ever to be put on the face of this planet, to take a picture of me and Jorge. Well Agustin at this point had a few beers and was a bit drunk (muchos cervezas son todovia muy borracho mas tardes). He holds the camera backwards, focuses in and snaps a picture? Everyone roared, it was so funny and he was like what, what? We told him what he had done and he got so red. Today going through my pictures I came across the picture he took and could not help but laugh. He is just perfecto!

That's a Great Start

Had a very nice first date on Sunday night. I might slam myself often but if there is one thing I know for certain is that damn I am a great date. Hell I had a great time on my date alone recently so if I could do that why would it not be a terrific time if someone else was in the mix.

His name is Richard - he is a native San Diegan - he is 30 and we met last week (see the post titled Some Recreation). We went to a restaurant right on the water - casual and relaxed with a fantastic view. Of course the weather was perfect and the conversation was comfortable. Many laughs, some insights and definitely lots of smiles - I have never been stingy with those.

Next a stroll along the water with a soothing breeze and some PDA in a tourist spot - how refreshingly different and open. Then a bit of silliness with a visit to the local seaside fortune teller. She snapped up our attention right away when she named Richard's roommate by full name - Alan -- none of this who has an A name. I offered Richard some privacy but he said no worries I could be there for his reading. Of course my favorite part was when "Dr. Iris" said, "OK let's talk about Scott (I had told her my name)". She said, "He has had a rough three years but he is ready now. He really does not understand how strong he is. He is in this for real and has no patience for liars and cheats". Amazingly right on with the three years and all very nice but then she says, "Richard look at this man. Look at him. What will come is in both of your hands to create but I have to tell you it is rare to come across a person like this. He touches the life of everyone who he involves in his life at any level. He has no idea of the greatness of his power and wields it with a generous heart". How red was I? So super flattering - you would have thought I set this all up. Big, big smile -- very kind words.

Later back to his place for some conversation and a small bit of kissy face - but only kissy face. I told him, "I am not a tease, just a bit old fashioned". Ok nuff of the laughs people. So it ended with him saying that it was the best first date he has ever had. I asked for real and he told me yes he was serious. Very nice guy, interesting, handsome -- and oh yeah here is the shocker - he is white :) We both said were are very much looking forward to getting together again.

One small flaw. We did have an innocuous bit of conversation about names. I asked him his middle name and he made me guess - a bit of a game. He gave me the clue that it was a president's name - hmmm helpful. But I finally guessed it. Richard's middle name is Grant - ugh. I did choke a small bit on my blueberry lemondrop martini at that point but graciously moved swiftly on to the next topic - ha!

And Damn I'm Free

So I have never been a huge Jason Mraz fan but I cannot get enough of this song. Maybe because it is since he is from San Diego. Perhaps it is because this song makes perfect sense in the SoCal weather. I am sure it has a little to do with how amazingly sugary it is and even as well as that things are good. But I believe most of all the reason is because damn I'm free.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Michelle's Memories

The weekend in NYC that the shopping gods smiled upon us.

Editors Note: Ok so at this point this is a really hard one for me because I am thinking now -- ummm which weekend. I remember the weekend I got the crazy shirt at trash and vaudeville that I still have. I love that insane shirt but think more over I was happy to buy something at that store. I wore it several times to Manray and was quite pleased. There was the weekend that I found the Josie Cotton album - which by the way is framed and hanging in my living room. Or how about all the great stationary I got at Macy's or the terrific cards I got from Shackman's. I remember quite a few hauls from Tower records for the both of us. Then there was the flea market where I splurged and got a souvenir photo set from the 1939 NY World's Fair - which I still regularly thumb through. Of course I still have all the silver rings and fabulous necklaces too. Wow I sound so materialistic and yet my place is so little - although trinkets and treasures are stashed in every imaginable place.

Still Firmly at Number Five

So I saw this picture and it made me think - this is exactly the body that he always wanted and strives for but does not have and moreover tears himself up regularly over not having. I swear I am still concretely at acceptance however I must admit -- although this thought did not make me happy -- it certainly did not make me unhappy. Since it is his life and how he chooses to live, I only thought of his motto -- It is what it is.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

With Just Three Days More

I ran across recently a great viedo for Verdi Cries (see the post The Man in 25165). Remebering how great that song is and how much I enjoyed 10,000 Maniacs, I pulled out my copy of In My Tribe and have been swimming in memories since.
God I forgot just how perfect that cd is and just how many times I have played it. All those songs just entering back into my life like terrific friends that have been out of touch for a while.
Nor did I realize just how tied all those memories are to Tom Lagg. It just has been going round and round in my head.
Man I miss him.

Did Tom have his good and bad? You betcha - completely human Tom was and he made no excuses for it and I found that completely admirable.
Am I glossing it over to remember mostly good? You betcha - for real, since Tom has passed away what use would it be not to. Plus there is plently negative in this world - I don't need to add to it by carrying more of it around with me.
Oh man the laughs and good times -- that stupid peachmobile and silly siamese cat -- but really most of all his friendship. I so needed it at the time he came into my life eons ago.

Some of my favorite memories have been our trip to Alantic City with Cindy and Kim Cullivan with the near death tire blow out -- poor Tina getting bonked off the head by one of Tom's dead whippets in the pitch black Myopia Trail -- 4th of July in Virginia Beach -- sleeping out for Madonna tickets and drinking stolen scacremental wine. Laughs and laughs and just more laughs. You were a good friend to me Tom. You did your best and I cannot take that away from you - no one can. So the days do not last forever but the memories always will. You were here Tom and for me and my life - I am completely happy you were.

You Know It is a Great Night When...

It is theoretically impossible to have a bad night when Luis (pictured above -- also see post titled Uno Nuevo Amigo from 04.13.08) says to you, "I want to kiss you but do not want to make you mad". Hello! I am so not a heartbreaker so you can imagine I could do nothing but acquiesce. I will let you fill in the rest of the story - but can assure you that it still will not be as good as the real one :)

Editors Note: Luis of course said the above in Spanish. I liked my Spanish teacher before but now my love for her has grown exponentially.


OMG I finally broke down. This summer is so the summer of the 80's. Human League coming up in August -- Boy George Touring -- Madonna on top of the charts again. Most intriguing is the whole George Michael 25 tour. It is either going to be a train wreck or a life altering moment. To top it all off he is starting the madness right here in America's Finest City, San Diego. I have been so sucked into it all but just would not breakdown and pay the insane price. Alas today I got an email special (not good sign I know) but now I am now going to the show!!!! I can hardly contain myself.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Some Recreation

Meet a guy Sunday night. Handsome, pleasant for sure but moreover remarkably normal. So odd to be impressed by normal but there is something great to be said about normal. Such a silly word though as everyone applies their own reality to the word which renders it meaningless. But truth is as long as you have your own meaning that is the only definition you need. Perhaps just a fun night solely to remind me that the world is good and I am too.
Time will tell... tic tock tic tock.
And I am ok with that.

The Man in 25165

I forgot how much I loved this song. I am glad I remember now. I miss Tom.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Going Greek

Last night I stumbled across a Greek festival in San Diego. I heard the music from a distance so instantly was intrigued. Man what fun. I ate Loukomades, Backlava, Spanakopita and of course stuffed grape leaves. All was very yummy because they put honey on everything (which was totally working for me until I got to the part where I was feeling ewwww everything is sticky). The grape leaves were a bit weird I must admit but the sauce they where in was YUM. I poked around the million tables with all sorts of Grecian tolkens. I entered the raffle to win a trip to Greece - ah homeland here I come. But the best of all was the dancing in the circle. I thought to myself -- all I have to do is go round and round and I get to hold that guy's hand -- sign me up. Very fun for sure - especially since some of them actually thought I was Greek. I told them no that lately I have been Mexican but was now seriously considering going Greek. Of course God has the most wicked sense of humor and amidst all the Greek hotties there was a crazy Asian guy that kept popping up everywhere to chat. But hey, he was funny. I am thinking I can work the name Artemis.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Michelle's Memories

The night we ate at Marky's w/Matt & Ken. Were you really fascinated by the way I eat?

Editors Note: Umm yes. You kinda go through your food as one looking for landmines and then comes the smell test. I never shared this but I am usually thinking that you were a food tester for the king in a previous life. And top of it all is the whole Matt and Ken image -- too funny!

Matt and you were so kind to indulge my insanity. I remember after meeting Ken, Matt told me he was gonna call me "discount" because if someone was 20% off then I was all over it. I know Ken was broken but I thought Ken was heaven, which of course opens up the question of what is hell then? My favorite part is when Matt would have enough of Ken and would just shoot that look of his and say, "Oh Fay!" OMG I cannot stop laughing right now!

Square Root of Pi Equals Fuck Knows

This should really go under my Michelle's Memories feature as she always reminds me that I said once, "People have too many Variables". It is so true and it can be such a terrific thing and yet it can be such a terrible thing.
And everyone tries to fit the variables that make their own equation on other people and it just does not work. Worse than that is that my own equation is not constant so why would anyone else's be. I hate puzzles and am so not good at math so I just do my best. What more can I do? Sometimes I follow my heart, sometimes my mind and sometimes neither. God I should have paid attention that day in high school during algebra but hey I don't regret it as watching Jim L flex all period long was so worth it. I was listening to something all together different that day - neither my mind or heart. :)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I Am Glad I Went

I saw this when I went on my date alone.


Art is a fabric that is found at some level in every human culture that has ever been. The thread of that fabric that strikes me the most is music. Regardless of language or style or texture it speaks to me. I hope you enjoy this piece of the thread nearly as much as I do.

Ma Vie en Rose

Letter dated 29 May 2008:
Dear Scott,
It's great to have kept in touch with you all these years after Lechmere. I am happy you're on the west coast too. I know we both have personal growth to attend to - but I sincerely enjoy talking to you about my challenges as well as hearing about yours! I wish you nothing but good times and happy memories for you! Let's plan a visit soon! Love, Kymberly

Kym I apologize for posting personal correspondence and hope you understand why. I am so privileged to have such a tremendous life. The amount of people in my life that love and care about me is more then even the greediest man could ever want, desire or need. I truly recognize it and appreciate it. Sometimes it is difficult for me to not go down the slippery slope of negativity. Sure there are many reasons for that - some good, some valid, but some are not worthwhile at all. It is those I am working on.
Getting a letter like this reminds me of the greatness in my world. The greatness that I have sought, the greatness that I have and the greatness that I know exists - even within within the dimmest light.

I cherish and love all my friends. Kym, you are the rose in the bouquet of my life. I love and cherish you!