Saturday, November 10, 2018


My niece Jordan was in a horrible car accident on 09/24/2018.  She did her best and tried so very hard but she did not make it.  She left on 09/25/2018.  I think about her a lot.  I love all the kids so much.  It is really dard to wrap my head around her now being gone forever.  She was on my mind even more this week and last night I had dreams of her.  It s\dawned on me today that it was exactly 1 year ago today that his picture was taken.  She turned 16 in 2017 and did not want a sweet sixteen party so instead her and her mother and father came to visit me in California.  It was so awesome.  Such a great visit with so many laughs and great memories.  This is us in Carlsbad.  Such lovely, lovely girl.  Many, many great times with her but it means such much more that she was able to come visit me and it was awesome.  I love her so much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love this. Really beautiful pic of you both. So much happiness from one person to another. much love, M