Thursday, September 22, 2016


This summer I had three sets of visitors so I cleaned three times.  I am not good at cleaning so it is not that tremendous but as I got to the third time I really went all in (for me anyway).  It was during that third cleaning go round that I came across nude pics of my ex from a million years ago back in MA.  OH MY.  I say pics but they are pictures - they were developed on photo paper and all.  What a very odd surprise.  I knew they existed, obviously I took them, but the part that made it odd was I did not know I had them.  I have been here 10 years - how crazy is that.  They are dated 2003 so they are 13 years old, wow.  Anyway of course I thumbed through them, There are about 20 maybe.  I am looking at them and back them he was like Montgomery Clift to me and now looking at them with no veil whatsoever I was like, hmmm.  I was not repulsed at all but  there was not that swoon I remember. There was kinda nothing actually.  I was more stuck on, I have these?  I was gonna throw them out, I really was.  Then I tossed them into a draw.  It was not at all that I could not throw them out, I will tell you what it was.  Often I think of the person or persons that will have to go through all my shit after I pass and the thought of them finding those naked pics tucked in a draw made me laugh out loud for real.  I am not mean but I am mischievous.  In their head I was thinking, "Smiley face, smiley face, nude pictures, smiley face, smiley face...".  Oh that slays me.  I was gonna take a pic of the pics for this post but instead I just used this hottie, who does make me feel things.  Silly, silly, silly.

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