Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Brief Update

I want to say it all started with a really big curve ball but it did not.  I started well before that.  I messed up.  I was bad with money and then the first unemployment wave came.  I did what I needed to in order to survive but it messed up my money even more.  At my last job I was ok but I was just treading water.  Two years and I had little change for my financial front but stayed above water, just barely, each month.  Then the rug got yanked out from underneath me with being let go so very unexpectedly.  At that point everything came crashing down.  I had to look seriously at how I could survive.  I came up with a plan, a drastic one but one I could work out.  That is what I have been doing all this time and now things are falling in place.  It is the most detail I can post in this forum but do know that I am squarely on the right path and seeing a good future.  I still have a lot of work and need to stick to the plan but this new job is a major step.  It is not just a job, which worried me that I would need to resort to, but it is a good job that I want and that I know I will do well with.  It is a good company that does well and is local.  It is a great place to be and I am going to do my best to make it a great place for me.  "Glorious" Southern California - hmm that is one adjective but I can think of many more that I will not write.  In truth though it is not CA - it is me.  I made the decisions and took the actions and they have lead me to many places both bad and good.  Now I am driven to get to even better places and cannot wait.

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