Friday, April 04, 2014


Ebay helps me while I am in my temporary holding pattern.  It helps me keep my time productive and earns me money but also it gives me the thrill of discovering treasure and seeing what profit I can turn it into.  Although I give in every so often, I do well at not getting treasures for myself and not filling my home to the brim.  I got some shirts, ties and shoes for my part time job and get compliments on them.  The compliments are good but then the customer thinks we sell them but we don't LOL.  A couple weeks ago I unearthed this awesome Waterford ornament egg.  It was made in 2004 and was in mint condition.  It still had the original box, packaging, labels, price tag,  and booklet - all for just $3 when full retail was $45 - cha ching!  Of course I saw profit in it immediately, especially being Easter time, but in addition it was so bright and shiny and mesmerizing that I just loved it.  I really am not that materialistic but I can appreciate beauty, even more so when it is shiny!  I need the profit so I just take enjoyment in finding the treasure, enjoying it THE SHORT while it is in my home, then shipping it off to someone that will love it.  This is all a great story so far right?  Well another one of my bad habit is that I drop things - very often.  I always have and it used to cause me so much stress but i know although it does not make me happy to drop things, it is not the end of the world.  As I was taking photos of this stunning turquoise ornament, I dropped it.  My floors are all tile - SMASH.  It literally tumbled from my hand in slow motion and although I knew what the end result would be I did think to myself as it was falling, "Maybe it won't smash to pieces".  Of course it did smash to pieces.  I was disappointed but not devastated.  I will find other treasures to sell.  I did however feel badly that this wonderful creation survived in awesome condition for 10 years and yet only 72 hours in my hands.  It just was not meant to be.  I have turned many items into profit and will turn something else into profit.  I used to get really harsh judgement over dropping things but recently while Matt was here I dropped something and broke it.  Matt just looked at me like, "Oh well crap happens, it is not the end of the world" and you know what, it is not.  Although I get very excited over nice things and labels, this proves I am not materialistic.  I know, believe and feel that breaking an item is not the end of the world.  Tomorrow the sun comes out and I will smile and there is no breaking that.  Not only that but even though it was swept up and put in the trash, I have these photos so I still have it and it will remain perfect in them. 

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