Thursday, September 19, 2013

Depressed Perhaps

I dunno what is going on with me.  At either of my jobs I am busy and productive but outside of work I have no energy or motivation.  I do not know why I have not or cannot blog.  I am happy at work and even very silly at my part time job.  This Sunday I had off and I did have plenty to do but I decided to lie in bed and read magazines.  I probably would have been happy with that as it is a treasure to get time to do so but in reality I just slept.  Part of me thinks that I am depressed but I am not sure why.  I am focused on a couple money things that will be all done by the end of October and I think I just keep thinking about that.  It is positive that these things will be cleared up but I just spend a lot of energy thinking about them.  Maybe it is normal, just the everyday-ness of life.  I will keep at it and see what motivation I can get in place for outside of work.  I think posting regularly will be a step in the direction toward more motivation.

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