Sunday, August 04, 2013

Cable Crisis

Long stupid story short my sweet deal on cable is coming to an end.  I paid $19 a month and now if I want cable then I am going to get it on my own and it is like $70 a month.  I will think about it while I am away but I cannot justify more than $2 a day for TV, I just can't.  It will kill me for a while at first but we will see.  Oh Honey Boo Boo, World's Dumbest, many Housewives and Breaking Amish -- how will I survive?  The new Breaking Amish is in LA and it is soooo good.  That is them up above and the kid in white cracks me up.  He is Mennonite not Amish but he says gems like, "Hollywood Blvd is a sinful place", "the people here need to be more modest", and "I don't like being in this club because I am worried I am going to impregnate a woman".  He is priceless this is true but is he worth $840 a year???  Errrrr I am so annoyed.

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