Sunday, February 19, 2012

They Love It

I made another video. This one is for the ladies at my weight loss group. It is the same song I used in my family photos video but I just love that song. I sent it along to the ladies as a bit of encouragement and motivation. It has gotten a tremendous reaction - which pleases me greatly. All but two of the images are my own. Plus the heart that starts the video and ends the video is a Valentine that I got at the last meeting which I thought was too precious. As you can tell, I am really loving this video thing. Let me know what you think. I really hope you do not feel like it is the 60's and I am inviting you over to view slides from the family vacation to Yosemite.

1 comment:

Judy said...

OMG I was thinking about a song for the hour before I passed out. I have to watch the video and see what it was - Im so sorry. Im glad you found something.