Monday, June 27, 2011

Some Nieces

Here is Julia and Kayla after Julia graduated from 8th grade. How attractive is she - plus she won a surprise award from her school. Kayla just finished her first year at college - how nuts is that. She look so much like my sister in this photo.

Here I am with Julia - she is always so poised and looks great. I am wearing my new favorite shirt. Vertical stripes work wonders so well that I got the same shirt in grey too (but they were on clearance for only 3 bucks each). You will be seeing these shirts a lot.

Here is Marina (with glasses) driving Elliana nuts. Elliana is my favorite penpal ever. There is such joy when I see one of her letters in the mailbox. Maria is my partner in crime. She completely has my DNA and is just as evil as I. But we mostly use our powers for good.

Here is Marina with Jordan, my youngest niece. You can see a little of Jordan's cast. She was goofing around at the bus stop and broke her arm! The day before this photo, I took Jordan to get some ice cream and as we chatted and laughed, I was sure to slap a big old Uncle Scott signature on that cast. Wonder is she will sell it on eBay?

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