Monday, February 28, 2011

I Saw Banksy!

So Banksy is this guerrilla graffiti artist from the UK. His work speaks a lot of the disposable nature of culture and consumerism - probably best known in the US for his recent intro to the Simpsons. Of course he has intrigued me forever as he never reveals himself but is the master of hype and always making his presence known. His film was up for an Oscar - people of course wondered if he would show but the conjecture was just to garner attention. Instead he did some tags around SoCal to make his Oscar presence felt - one right here in Oceanside! Oside is definitely a California surf culture center but completely blue collar to the OC's white collar scene and sheen. I saw the Banksy movie but think it was staged - but not as badly staged as that other movie last year Catfish . Anyway he did this tag last Friday on the side of a taco shop and I just had to see it. I never thought a Banksy would be 20 miles from my house. I saw a Banksy - cross it off the list - plus it was a totally awesome day for the beach.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

She Was Surprised

My mother's surprised retirement party last night went off fantastic - she was completely and utterly surprised. I know this as one, we did not tell my father - he is bad with secrets and two, she would have NEVER worn this sweatshirt if she did not think she was just going for Chinese food with my brother and his family. She called me after the party -- although she does not drink on a regular basis she sure can tie one on and did so last night! I love getting drunk phone calls! I do, I swear - Paula can attest to this. I could totally hear how happy and excited she was. It made me smile and smile. Some may measure distance in miles but I do not. I know how to be close regardless of miles. That is a good lesson to have learned in life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Little Homesick

Tonight they are having a surprise retirement party for my mother at the Chinese restaurant near her house, so I am a bit homesick since I cannot be there. I love family parties, I love my mother and I love Chinese food so it is a bit sad. I paid for the cake and corsage so I am there in spirit. Times like this make me question what I am doing out here but it is not all bad as it is times like this that make me enjoy every moment when I am in the presence of my family - so it goes both ways. At the end of the day she is going to be so surprised and absolutely thrilled which will make her happy and that makes me very happy!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Maybe I Will Become a Migrant Worker

I absolutely cannot decide which would be better - looking like this man or working next to him all day. Perhaps I need to change my line of work.

Friday Video

Michelle is most likely going to see this post and say - of course, but I just could not help myself. This is utter perfection - pop refined to nothing but brilliance. Sure there is Clare - oh swoon - and it is not just me - all the comments are guys drooling over her. To top it all off, this is the first time I saw this video version and the garish colours, the 80's make up, and as if I don't want to die and be in heaven already - they split Clare into three toward the end. Watching this is probably the closest I will know to feeling the same high as a heroin addict. Gotta run - the dance floor (aka my kitchen floor) is calling my name.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Was a Good Try

There is a secondhand shop downtown - other than the one owned by my landlord. I have frequented it before and there are always two friendly but for sure crazy ladies there. I went downtown to walk around the farmer's market to get some sun and exercise and saw that they had a sign in there shop saying their hours would be sporadic because someone was ill. I need to keep my time free for job searching but figured I could give up 8-10 hours a week and volunteer to work there. I thought it a win win proposal since they would be able to stay open and make money but not spend money and I would have something fun and interesting to do ---- how easily can you picture me working in this junk shop just chatting away with everyone. The owner was very appreciative of my offer but said that others had offered the same and she looked into it and it would cost too much to change their insurance. I left her my contact info in case she changed her mind. I thought it a clever idea but understand her position. I will keep looking around.

Bad Cold

I have had this miserable cold all week - ugh! It is just a cold but I hate being sick and am such a baby. Taking plenty of over the counter medicine and making sure to take walks in the sun but I just cannot seem to shake it. When I went to CVS for cold medicine the place looked like it was looted so there must be some craziness going around. Oh mankind thinks they are so advanced and yet the common cold throws us for a loop every time. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2012 Rapidly Approaches

Sure it has been sunny during the day but then the night comes and it is freezing here. Last night I had on a shirt, a cardigan (of course lol), a jacket, and a knit hat and was still chilly. Well then a hail storm started! It made my deck white - look below! How nuts is that??? I was like I will be soooo pissed at those Mayan's and their damned doomesday prophesy if I have to shovel in the morning!


I am not sure how many people know this but I am really intrigued by serial killers. Although I my fascinated is not out of admiration - it is more the shock. I remember as a kid all the coverage of the Son of Sam (or actually the .44 Caliber Killer prior to his being caught). Then of of course there was the Hillside Strangler and the Atlanta Child murders. The biggest and most monumental was Jeffery Dahmer - that is the one that just pushed me over the edge. I do not respect them and hate how Hollywood makes the serial killer stereotype to be an unstoppable evil genius. Usually they are nothing but small men stuck in an intensely profound compulsion and routine. I am more curious over the darkness that can be in the soul of a man that could do such things. This is the part that fascinates me - how they can so strongly and vividly create their own world with no regard to the real one.

Perhaps it is residual from the really horror show at work or perhaps it is my constant questioning of whether the things I do harm myself. I tell myself otherwise but lately the darkness has been around. All the books I have been reading lately have been about the evil side of man - that side that serial killers live exclusively within. And the movies -- well I got a 2 disc DVD recently (a complete bargain for only $2.50) which had a 7 1/2 hour documentary on the American serial killer phenomenon, I was riveted. Tonight I watched the Devil (the actor's picture above is from that movie) - also about the evil choices man can make and the consequences. I normally do not like M. Night's last minute tricks but that movie just brought me completely in. It made me think about the questions already in my own mind. As well it tied nicely into what is so prominently on my mind as of late.

However all though I think about all these dark things -- it is because I know that without darkness there can be no light. Delving into this darkness helps me see and move toward the light. And whereas a sociopath seeks comfort in the dark - I like the light. I want to live there and have the power to do so.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Not sure what Roberto is patrolling for but I would certainly be happy to come across him in one of my patrols. Rough, tough and good enough - mmmmm.

Friday Video

I could spend hours lost on on youtube sifting through videos I have not seen in years - and often do! I decided to post some one each Friday as I have said many times this blog is mostly for my own entertainment although I hope others enjoy too.
This one to start it off is just amazing! A bit dated in both sound and look but in an awesome way plus that is why I love it so much. If you cannot get behind pop like this regardless of age - well then you might need to get your pulse checked. I am off to do some dancing!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have been going through so much stuff lately and bringing a lot of it down to the Goodwill. Of course going to the Goodwill to make a deposit - I always get tempted to go in and make a withdrawal. Last week I went in and quickly saw that it had become a shop of horrors. Somebody must have decided it was time to thin out their clown collection (also read - crazy Aunt Irma died and they got rid of that clown shit ASAP). Everywhere I turned was another horrendous clown starring me down - bright side I did not buy anything thing at all! Funny that I texted these pictures to a lot of people I know - and they were all horrified too. Clowns are an abomination - just look below.

I live under your bed and feast on your soul.

Your pain makes me smile!

Yes that is human flesh stuck in my teeth.

I cannot wait to dance on your grave.

Cute enough to kill!

Blessing Counted

Oscar - you are so good - even when you are rocking my crazy sunglasses.
I am glad you are around.


Been having a bit of bad kharma lately - things aren't awful but the my computer broke and my therapist stood me up (he just got his days mixed up) and I had a crazy toothache. I decided - with much prompting from Matt - to go down to the seaport and see the psychic that I have gone to a couple times. I finally figured why not, she is usually if nothing else entertaining although quite frequently right on. I went there last Sunday but she was not there. I was all into it so it bummed me out. However it dawned on me that it was a beautiful day and there I was alongside the water so I figured I would relax and get some free vitamin C and D from the sun - a luxury not many can afford with this crazy winter across the USA. There was a street musician playing the sax and he was great - really enjoyable. Reminded me to appreciate what I have and not what I do not have. Sorry that I do not have a steady hand although the audio came out great. Thank you Mr. P!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Truimphant Return

I had a spell of bad luck there for a bit but I am back now. One of my troubles is that I got the nastiest computer virus - errrrr. Plus I got the damned virus why job searching -- all the sites I go to, I know! Turns out the best reviewed computer repair place in the SD area is right here in Esco. I was so worried because I do not have the money to buy a new computer but they fixed me right up. It was not too expensive and now my computer works better than ever! This is great because I want to get like another year or two (maybe pushing my luck) out of it. So bitches - hear me now, I am back!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Guess Who is Coming to Town?

Better than Santa - Ricky Martin! Yay! There is a casino on the outskirts way over on the other side of the city and Ricky is going to be there in May. I am counting my pennies so I will not be attending BUT I have marked the date in my calendar and know that there will be a smile on my face all day to be that close (in relative terms anyway). Perhaps some stalking maybe in order - that is free. Although it could involve some criminal fines. Oh no!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Guess What Is On My Mind

It has been a while so I guess I am getting the itch. On the brightside it is better than it not being a while and me being itchy - that is never a good thing.

What a Great Day

I was so productive today. I found 5 jobs of interest that I applied for - 3 I am really eager about and 2 got me curious. Of the 3 really good ones - I have an HR contact at 1 of the places. Doesn't mean much but does not hurt either. I also went for a vigorous walk as I finally am in the right place to start exercising. I even scaled the crazy drive way. I ate really well also - no binging at all. I got a great pair of New Balance sneakers on super clearance for $15. And my crowning achievement is my shower. For those of you that have not been here, I have an enormous shower - it is kinda like the shower you see in a locker room. There are certain things I obsess over in the house and the bathroom is one of them. It always has - even before I lived alone. My shower is so god damned sparkling that I want to put a table and chair in it and eat in there. It looks so AWESOME. What a great day. Now for my next trick watch me pull out of my hat another great day with this momentum. Fingers crossed everyone!