Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where Has She Been???

This is amazing - I am so excited but have no idea how I have never heard of Cilla Black before when she is perfect. I love it all - the drama of the song (I so can picture it being sung in church), the heaps of 60's hair, the alien dress, the snaggle teeth, and she is British --- not a negative in the bunch. She is a little pixie with an enormous voice that is proud to be a bottle created red head. Why are there not singers like this anymore? Seriously I could not be any happier right now!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A New Religion?

I was texting with my niece because she just cracks me up. We have a very similar disposition and sense of humor so we gravitate toward each other. She was saying that she wanted to go see the new Harry Potter movie. I have not read any of the books nor seen the movies. I tried once but just did not get it and so stopped. Daniel Radcliffe is cute but Harry Potter is definitley lost on me. As the wiseguy that I am, to be silly I texted that I heard Harry dies in it and Hermoine is pregnant. My niece texted back that Harry sorta dies but he is ok. I said that I knew because I also heard that he rose on the third day and we all give thanks and praise. She of course died laughing at this and replied that she thought I had my stories mixed up. Literally 10 seconds after she replied my phone rang. It was my sister calling to say "Cut the shit!" HA - you know how many times I got that call! I am still laughing at myself.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

There is many reasons that I have to give thanks but in truth, mostly I am thankful to have 4 days off from work - yay! It is a good time to recharge my batteries and refocus my efforts. I hope you all have a fantastic day in whatever way you choose to enjoy it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Picture

I have no crazy stories about this picture and no witty lines to write. I simply came across this man on the internet, I admired him and the picture made me happy. It is that simple - I just have to remember to keep it that simple. OH and by the way this man is not Mexican, he is Indian - how is that for a curve ball!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Still Stuck on this Song

Como una promesa, eres tu, eres tu
Como una manana de verano
Como una sonrisa, eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu.

Toda mi esperanza, eres tu, eres tu
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos
Como fuerte brisa, eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu

Eres tu como el agua de mi fuente
(Algo asi eres tu)
Eres tu el fuego de mi hogar
Eres tu como el fuego de mi hoguera
Eres tu el trigo de mi pan

Como mi poema, eres tu, eres tu
Como una guitarra en la noche
Todo mi horizonte eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Don't Know this Man

One funny night, one charity date, one major coincidence, one sweet good bye lunch and now a new friend. This is Jim - Rick's ex. I don't really know him but as our text and email exchanges continue, I am starting to. He is a wonderful man - kind, sweet, thoughtful and most enjoyable - thought provoking. I like seeing the world through his eyes as it is giving me a new perspective on my world. I had this set vision of him and yet he is so much more. I think a lot of people have it easy when it is not true. The human story is universal - we all have it the same. I get so singular and isolated that I forget. He reminds me and I like to be reminded.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Skinny Bitch

After Spanish class this week we went to the cheesesteak place around the corner from Rick's house. SOOOOO freakin yummy! He was like how many pictures do you need of me eating??? He cracks me up - he loves food and he loves to eat and he is still a skinny bitch. Spanish class with him is awesome, he is a great teacher. He keeps me reigned in and it is working out awesome. I still can't roll my r's but I don't even say them in English so it is not really even a goal of mine anyway.

Two Smiles I Know

I am not drunk in this picture - not at all. I had one red bull and one diet coke that night. I am just happy not to think of anything - distraction is the the road to destruction - I know it. A friend that understands, perhaps that is really not distraction but a healing. I am good at friendship - I know this too - and it makes me happy. Always wondering how I will leave my mark, I forget that I already have - with many people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Michelle bought a house in Brookline, NH. It is great but I am still trying to wrap my head around that one. The population of Brookline is 5,000 people. Living in NYC she must see at least that many people on her way to work. But I have to hand it to her - she is amazing - she lives life and makes things happen for herself. She certainly actively participates in her life and does not just watch it go by. Plus look at this I found - there is both a covered bridge (how NH) and a lighthouse in Brookline. The lighthouse HIGHLY intrigues me as Brookline is land locked! You gotta love NH. Can't wait to visit. Congratulations! Live free or die baby :)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Oh Muddy

Another friend's cat passed away - this is the 3rd I have heard about in as many months. So sad. Muddy had way too many paws but he was good and made Kym very happy. I am glad he got to spend so much time with a truly wonderful woman and friend. I am sorry for your loss Kym - companionship is important and Muddy was a great. I hope in your sadness you still remember the joy. I love you and I am sending you my best. Godspeed Muddy.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

I Am So Stuck on this Song

Some may say this song is cheesy since it is so basic and simple. For me simplicity equates beauty. It is not cheesy because it is simple, it is beautiful because it is simple. Life really is truly not difficult - people want to make it difficult. It is a hard trap to avoid and one I certainly fall prey at times. But when I see or hear or feel simplicity -- I know I am in the presence of beauty, profound and amazing. I listened to this song about a 100 times today - a change from my normal Carpenter's Sunday play list as of late but it elicits the same in me. I get down on myself a lot and I am very hard on myself often but as I enjoyed the incessant replaying of this song something struck me, in addition to its beauty, that made me feel good. I know Spanish fairly well - I understood every word of this song. I made that happen.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thinking of Mary

When I worked at Bldg 19, I worked with Mary. She was from Wilmington also and she just killed me. She worked in the cash office and was forever making me recount my draw to get TTP, 'to the penny". TTP Scott - TTP! Tom and I would be like fucking TTP. Oh but she was so funny and the crap she took from us wiseasses, oh a good, good person. Well later in life I worked with Marie, who is Mary's daughter. Marie is living proof that the apple does not fall far from the tree as she is a peach also. Oh the laughs we had together. Marie was there when I was christened "Carson" - she even create this file on it that I still cherish. One time Marie, her fiance and myself went to NYC to visit Michelle - what a great trip - laughs, laughs and more laughs. I have said it before, my world is the size of a dime and I love that due to chance I got to know and enjoy both Mary and Marie. Well Mary is ill with pancreatic cancer. I feel awful because it having two friends in pain at once. Mary and Marie - you are both wonderful and my life is better for having you in it. Mary I wish you much comfort and many, many well wishes. Carson loves you both, and you know it!