Monday, March 08, 2010

What Do You See?

I went to see Shutter Island recently. It is not a horror movie per se as they made it seem, although it is terrifying. The only horror is that other people in world cannot accept the reality created by the main character for himself. When it comes to reality there truly is no such thing. Humans know we all have the same exact reality since it begins and ends precisely the same as any other animal. Although humans have hubris and so are compelled to feel there is a greater existence to their being. I certainly think humans are capable of things above the standard animal world such as compassion, kindness and understanding. These things certainly feel superior during the human condition but again the real story is just the same, thus people create their own reality.

What the main character in Shutter Island fails to do is make the rest of the world suspend its disbelief and so they deem him crazy. It is amazing since we do it all the time like when reading a book you can suspend your disbelief very easily. Or when being hustled by a con when you know it is too good to be true. Bottom line whatever an individual sees, thinks and feels is their reality. This is not a bad thing at all as a matter of fact it is a very necessary thing. It helps getting over the truth of the human experience and inspires us to temporary moments of greatness for ourselves and to give to others.

What is my reality? My reality is that I clearly accept I am not a perfect person although many times I kick myself incredibly hard for not being one. I win, I lose. I laugh, I cry. I can be kind, I can be mean. I am not evil and I am not saintly. I am simply everyone one that has ever walked the face of this earth – no more different, better, or worse. Since my reality is mine and its creation is up to me, I choose to see my reality as happiness and experience it regardless of other’s perception of my reality. I am just a man living his life that I see as an honorable one which means I have a good one. Am I really that far off the mark?

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