Monday, November 30, 2009

I Weigh 294lbs

I have struggled with my weight all my life - no news there. It is so deeply tied into every fiber of me and I cannot not remember ever being an average size. I have really gone out of control in the past 12 months and now am so very close to 300lbs. I have not been 300lbs or more in over 10 years. I thought and thought about this and I need your support. I decided to publish my weight each week to keep myself honest but also motivated. This is extremely difficult for me because of the shame I feel over my size and now I am blasting it out to the cyber world. But as I told a friend - today is a new day and as good of a day as any to begin a change.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

Michael, a friend I used to work with, called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go to Vegas for the night on Friday with him and his wife, she worked with us too. He said they just decided to go on the spur of the moment, have a 2 bedroom suite, and would like me to join them. So tomorrow I am off to Vegas. Roadtrip! I am preparing music for the way as we speak.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your families and loved ones. Sometimes I am a very short sighted man and do no see all that I am thankful for - other times I have complete clarity, like today. Enjoy!

Editors Note: Special thanks to Eileen for the awesome card and photo above -- you inspire me plus it was a fantastic treat to come home to yesterday.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This song lyric always sticks in my head:

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can’t define what I’m after
I always turn the car around
Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I’m shattered
I always turn the car around

The Get Up

Judy looked amazing as the Bride of Frankenstein. She totally was a hit at the vampire ball and everyone told her how great she looked. But most impressive is that we walked to the ball and even with incredibly strong winds - that wig stayed firmly planted on her noggin! I laughed the whole way.
I don't really like costumes but I had my Venetian masks. I got two because I could not decide but here is the one I wore to the ball - it is called a bauta and is a very famous style in the history of Venetian masks. Some new vampire friends we made at the ball.
This is my second mask. I wore it all night on Halloween as we walked around Bourbon Street. I kinda look like a flamboyant super hero. Although I do not like costumes much - I really got into wearing a mask - por supuesto.

New Orleans

I really got obsessed with the manhole covers there - really obsessed. There was like a million different kinds and I took pictures of half of them. But this one of course was my favorite.

This is St Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square at dusk. I love this picture - I was actually impressed that I took it with my simple little SLR - looks like a postcard to me and yet it is mine. The airboat ride on the bayou was one of the coolest things I have ever done. Even on an overcast day the amount of green was overwhelming. Especially considering how long it has been since I have seen any color other than one of the many different shades of brown, who knew there were so many. Although beautiful, the bayou was creepy - even in the daylight - I can only imagine what the place is like at night time - but I'd never go there at night!

The French Quarter was beautiful - truly one of the most beautiful city neighborhood that I have ever been too. In every detail, you can see how special the place is.

Editors Note: Thank You very much for everything Judy. New Orleans is a phenomenal city!