Monday, September 28, 2009

Stuck Again

I do not like getting sick, I mean who does. But when I do get sick I get really needy and there is no one here to rub my back so it just makes me that much more miserable. So I have become obsessed with antibacterial hand lotions. I am constantly using the stuff on my hands, at home, at work, in the car - I got some stashed everywhere. I even got wipes so I can wipe the machines off at the gym first before I get on them. Then on top of it I go to the bathroom and actually wash my hands at least once an hour. But the obsession has grown. I think it is really that I have discovered I just love lotion. I was at the outlets and bought this huge bag - course I am watching $ so although it a huge bag, since it was the outlets it was only 20 bucks (cheap for about a dozen bottles of lotion, hand cream, antibacterial stuff and body butter, omg). I also have happened along some nivea for men here and there at the dollar store. Lotion, lotion, lotion. I put it on my head, face, elbows, hands and feet. I am really obsessed with my feet. My mother gave me a pedi egg so as I watch tv I use it on my feet and then rub lotion on them over and over. I dunno why I get stuck on such things but I do. I guess that it really the point of this bizarre post - I get stuck and when I am stuck that is that. Ah perhaps some day someone will be here to help me with all this lotion or maybe share in it but til then, I smell REALLY good.

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