Monday, September 28, 2009

I Won a Tent?

I enter a lot of contests online and so far this year I have won a bottle opener, a leather money clip and now this tent. It came today and it is kinda cool. I have not been camping since I was in boyscouts so I am very amused by this. Actually there are cool campgrounds right on the beach near work so I might just give it a whirl. I just hope there is no poison ivy over there. Seems like it could be kinda fun, especially since the campground is on a bluff right over the beach. Could possibly even be romantic, um provided I am not by myself lol.

Monday Morning Wake Up Call

Stuck Again

I do not like getting sick, I mean who does. But when I do get sick I get really needy and there is no one here to rub my back so it just makes me that much more miserable. So I have become obsessed with antibacterial hand lotions. I am constantly using the stuff on my hands, at home, at work, in the car - I got some stashed everywhere. I even got wipes so I can wipe the machines off at the gym first before I get on them. Then on top of it I go to the bathroom and actually wash my hands at least once an hour. But the obsession has grown. I think it is really that I have discovered I just love lotion. I was at the outlets and bought this huge bag - course I am watching $ so although it a huge bag, since it was the outlets it was only 20 bucks (cheap for about a dozen bottles of lotion, hand cream, antibacterial stuff and body butter, omg). I also have happened along some nivea for men here and there at the dollar store. Lotion, lotion, lotion. I put it on my head, face, elbows, hands and feet. I am really obsessed with my feet. My mother gave me a pedi egg so as I watch tv I use it on my feet and then rub lotion on them over and over. I dunno why I get stuck on such things but I do. I guess that it really the point of this bizarre post - I get stuck and when I am stuck that is that. Ah perhaps some day someone will be here to help me with all this lotion or maybe share in it but til then, I smell REALLY good.

Bad Sign

This sign is at the end of my big long ass driveway. Not the most comforting sign or the happiest thing I get to view daily and now the red flag is up, ugh. I get what to do in a blizzard but in a wildfire really other than crossing my fingers there is not much else. So as the season goes on I will just keep my fingers crossed and perhaps you can too.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Tonight while at the grocery store I bumped into my doctor and she recognized me so I said hi and we chatted a bit. In the course of the chat I was talking about my new job and how it was over is Carlsbad. As soon as I said that she abruptly said, "Wait where is it?" I fell for it hook, line and sinker and repeated, unknowingly I admit, "Kahlsbaad" and she laughed at me. I told her that trick was mean. Just when I think I am becoming a Californian my accent always gives me away. I am totally fine with that as it very good to know where you have come from in order to get where you want to go.

Monday Morning Wake Up Call

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Week of Yay

This week everything went very good. My new job is off to a great start, my old job is missing me, and today I found these silly but cool sunglasses at the dollar store. I am trying to look "hawt" in the picture but I am not sure I am pulling it off. But of no matter - I am gonna wear these around and entertain strangers. Someone has to do it, right?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 1, Again

I have never been so happy to start at the beginning again. Today was Day 1 of my new job and it went very well. I feel so enthusiastic and excited -- I hope it lasts but I know I have the biggest contribution to making that happen. It was awesome to already got things in motion and meet my new co-workers. It made things go all that much easier being able to smell the ocean and feel the coolness of its breeze but those are just perks. This company is pleased to have me and excited to have my input. I also learned today that there was a close race for this position but they new I was the winner as soon as they met me in person and experienced my personality. That felt very good! Sorry to toot my own horn - I am just thrilled and wanna share. As icing on the cake - the woman that sits next to me is named Ruby. I have a very good feeling about all of this!

Monday Morning Wake Up Call

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just Around the Corner

Wow so my first day at my new job is tomorrow. I am very excited and so enthusiastic - as anyone should be starting a new job. I can't believe the great opportunity I have made for myself. Of course the real work begins but this is amazing. I kick myself more often than I should and just a bit over three years ago I was on the brink of insanity and now I am at the threshold of an amazing new chapter. I am going to try my darnedest to apply what I have learned and work the cliche, "onward and upward". I wanted this and now it is in my grasp. My new company had a BBQ last Friday and invited me to attend and meet my new coworkers. It was a social and comfortable way to introduce myself and definitely made me feel like I was getting off on the right foot. This is crazy - but crazy good. On top of it all my old boss is going to take me out to dinner on this coming Wednesday night! I worked hard and deserve this and am happy and grateful. Now if I only had as much success at finding a husband LOL.

The Best Text Ever

On last Wednesday my friend Oseas sent me a text asking me to go out that night. I replied I would love to but needed to decline as I was tired - I then reminded him that I was an old man. He responded - "You're not old. The mountains are old and they still turn green each year". Ah swoon - what a great message and one I need to keep in mind. I still declined the invite though because I wanted to be good and instead made plans to see him another time. I did go to bed with a smile though!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bar Harbor

Ken sent me some photos of Bar Harbor, Maine. What a pleasant surprise. It looks really nice up there plus wow look at all that green. Green is not a color I see to often anymore. Guess he lives somewhere up there, which means I live just about as far as you possibly could be from him while still remaining in the continental US. For those of you who do not know, Ken is an ex from like a million years ago. He popped up on IM recently and we have been chatting. It is good to hear from him. He still makes me chuckle. He apologized too for stuff way long ago said and done. It was nice to hear but I told him there was no need but I appreciated it.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Saturday, September 05, 2009


I did it. I focused on myself. Yes I accepted the tremendous emotional support of my friends and family but I put in the work for something that would make me happy. Something that I truly felt was good for me and I did it. There is a company I am very excited about and have been speaking with. They have a great opportunity to build and develop their customer service organization. The hiring manager told me today that she would be delivering me a job offer on this coming Tuesday. I took this amazing risk - focused - worked hard - and went for something that I felt passionately about and something in my own best interest and I have made it work. I rarely do that stuff, well except for the work hard part. Now I am on the threshold of some new work, both literal and figurative. I am so happy. I don't give myself pats on the back too often but there was no denying myself one today. A lot of people were in shock over the path I choose and now I am thrilled and eager to start walking down it.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

I am headed off to bed now. I have dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's. I shined and was confident and strong. I think my best lead on the job front is coming to a head very soon. I am sorry I can't blog more on it but I am nervous and I worry and I am a bit superstitious too. I do not want to jinx it. It will be a set back if it does not pan out but not the end of the world. So in the mean time I will fret although I know I did everything perfectly and truthfully. Man this risk thing is just nutty. Like anything else, one risk begets another, and another. But I am doing with this and surprising myself around every corner. Funny being the one hardest on myself. Ok so no more rambling. If you read this just send some good thoughts my way. Once a resolution is reached I will post the details. Good night - sleep tight - and with fingers crossed!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Still Searching

Well I am headed into my 3rd month of job searching. I have not updated the blog on too much of my activity but trust me there has been a lot. I just don't like talking about it too much. It is a kinda hard situation but I am doing ok. I have some great leads, went on a great interview with a lot of potential and still have a strong outlook that I am happy I took this active participation in my life and I will make this a positive. I have had discussions with many of you with details of my search but in general I just wanted to let all of you know this brief status and am crossing my fingers I have more concrete things to discuss shortly - I hope anyway :)

I Figured It Out!

They say do not drink the water in Mexico and I have been thinking about it lately. I firmly believe that is just a clever ploy started by Mexicans themselves because for the life of me I cannot figure out how that country is just inundated with handsome men - so it must be in the water! In order to keep this terrific benefit for themselves they perpetrated this incredibly sly myth - I just know it!