Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let's All Keep Our Fingers Crossed

Well it seems like there is a South African prince that has gotten himself into a pickle. Due to the dastardly actions of some less desirables his rightful claim to his country's fortune has become a big mess. He very kindly contacted me via email and advised me that if I were to assist him and invest my money in his efforts he can easily rectify the situation and I would recoup a 1000% return on my investment. How could I ever miss the boat on such an amazing opportunity both to assist another human and myself all at the same time. I promptly replied to him and advised that I would very eagerly invest to assist him with his toils and that I am an heir to a vast fortune due to my family's abundance of money made in the discovery and patent of paper clips, however due to some renegade litigation my money is all tied up. I furthermore told him that if he wires me $10,000 USD that I can quickly clear up the legal red tape, obtain my portion of my family's money and then turn that around to invest in restoring his proper post in his countries monarchy. So let's just all keep our fingers crossed that the old saying "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours" is a universal one. PS I am not kidding I really did respond with this proposition.

1 comment:

Paula said...

That is so freaking funny! Did he get back to you? People fall for that stuff all the time. I always wonder what they are thinking. They always seem to be so normal.
Love you xoxoxoxoxo