Sunday, March 01, 2009

Happiness vs Money

This is the decision I need to make. I can move along because of having a job and making good money or I can take a risk and stay to continue working toward my happiness. It is not just personal happiness either. The home office is filled with politics, back stabbing and general bull shit that bothers me. It is not my style and honestly I am surprised I have been able to get this far as I do not concern myself with any of that crap. The environment there is repressed and controlling. On the other hand I am not one for risks and is now the right time to start? Either way will be a major change and a lot of work. I am not hiding. I am who I am and worked out issues regarding being true to myself years ago. I am not the corporate type. I do not want to be stranded from my family. When it comes to the day to day things I have only myself to rely on. I have never been so torn. The psychic (not that I am making such a major decision is based solely on that type of input) said to me without prompting that I just need to make a decision and then focus. Sound advice but easier said than done. It is coming down to the wire and as long as I can line things up as best as possible - I will then be able to move down one path instead of straddling two. I can soar - I know it, but need to remind myself often.


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