Saturday, January 31, 2009


I grew up here. Spent many years here. My parents still live here and all my siblings, nieces and nephews live near by. I have many friends here and nearby as well. I know it inside and out. I think fondly of it and am glad I grew up here. But is it home? Does that make it home? When the people that love me think of me do they think of this or do they think of the kindness I bring to their world? Does this town pop to the top of the things that they like about me or is it superceded by the million watt smile I flash when I see them.
I am home. Home is me. I am always home.

How to Stay Warm

Seeing good friends always warms the heart.
PS Does this look like a Colgate ad to you too??

3 Years Later

This is me at work in MA. The last time I actually stood in snowfall was 3 years ago. Although I look very happy but I am not. It is only because I love Karen, she is too funny. I hate the snow. The first time I had to clean my car off that day I quickly remembered how much so. By the third time I had to clean my car off that day, I was miserable lol.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's All Good

Matt is coming back to SD for a visit in February - how exciting is that??? Work is gonna be pretty miserable for the next couple of months so I am very much looking forward to a fun time. Plus it may be one of my last SD blowouts - who knows - time will tell. I am just glad there is some fun on the horizon too!


I am here in the Boston area for work - very last minute. Boss told me Monday and I was on a plane on Wednesday. Man is it cold here but you get used to it quickly. What I don't like is that the city kinda hibernates for the winter. For being a northern city Boston does not really embrace the winter it just kinda tolerates it. Like for example in Montreal there is still all types of activities going on. Well I will be tied up mostly with work and so not that much free time but am sure I will sneak in some fun some how. Guess as long as I can ward off hypothermia.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

He Said No

They are looking for two people to remain behind in my office after it is closed. It is probably only through the end of the year. I proposed to my boss that it be me and why it was a good choice. I personally love SD but I can be happy in Boston as well but I have many concerns with the atmosphere back in the MA office - a lot of politics and a lot of bullshit - so not my style or conducive to a good environment for me. Well he said no. I am still trying to work this into a positive but right now my choices are to go back to MA or get laid off with the rest of my staff in April.

I have not written about it much so it seems like a no brainer of a choice but it is really a decision that is tearing me up. What the choice comes down to is money or happiness. That is not a good choice. In theory such happiness wins - in reality it is not so easy. I have blossomed out here both professionally and personally - I know that will definitely be stifled professionally in MA and worry about it personally too.

But I have been good with my resolutions and have not smoked in a week, eat fruit each day at lunch, although sick have started the gym and tonight fuck everything else I am gonna use my first of two night a month drinking to forget it for a short time and go have a blast at 80's night with Rick.

How Cute is This One?

I met him in December. His name is Julian and he is actually older than he looks but man not as old as I look lol. He has the sweetest eyes. I am really not boy crazy, they are just especially friendly out here, who knew. Anyway he is sweet and nice - we had a fun night and that is always good.


I gave my niece Jordan real make up for Christmas and she returned the favor by giving me a make over. The US stands for Uncle Scott. How lucky am I? How cute is she? I am a tad concerned over the gangs signs she is throwing but hopefully she will grow out of that lol.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

A new year - a new day - a new start. Release hatred and embrace love. The world is what you make it and so if you are good the world is good. Loneliness is self pity. Happiness is self awareness. The smallest amount of joy can power the brightest smile. Good health to all.