Monday, March 31, 2008

Sera Por Ti

Por Ti by Belanova is such genius pop perfection. Seriously I don't care what language you speak - play this clip and just try not to get hooked by this infectious song.
The lyrics are actually as sweet as the song too! I will post them in a later post.

Michelle's Memories

You took Anna to the movies.

Editors Note: You know I knew this would happen and it has. I pull the memory out of the jar and enter it on my blog and knowing I would run across one that I have so clue about. Anna did not leave the house too much so you would think I would be able to remember this as a monumental event but honestly I need some help as I do not recall this at all???

Update: Ok so my memory has been refreshed --- I was the Little Mermaid because Michelle's mother wanted to see it and had no one to go with so I took her. Loved that movie - can't believe I forgot Anna was there - I must have been too entranced by Ariel.

Gym Trouble

You know - everytime I enter the gym this is exactly the scene that I see. I try to blend in, really I do but I guess I just can't help but create a commotion.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Michelle's Memories

Montgomery Clift's House

Editor's Note: OMG -- yes I remember this although I am not sure on which trip it was to NYC that we visited it - there were so many trips to NYC.

You have so indulged all my facinations and obsessions - that is without a doubt enough to qualify you for Sainthood. I am so happy we went there but to this day I am even happier that you prevented me from knocking on the door!

For anyone interested -
Here is a link with more info on it that I was able to find:

TV Rots Your Brain

I was looking for inexpensive fun for April - I know that could get me into trouble - and you would think after years of TV on opposite dueling couches that this would be the last thing I would think is fun BUT I got tickets to go see the taping of two TV shows.

First is the Big Bang Theory because I completely love this new show. It is one of the few shows that I watch regularly and find it soooo funny. Sheldon remindes me that OCD can actually be fun --- sometimes. I am curious though how they will keep this going for more than a season.

Second is a new show called Single White Millionaire. It is about a Single White Millionaire looking for love - HELLO? is that supposed to be hard for a single white millionaire? Ummm but whatever because Fred Savage is such a guilty pleasure - how could I resist!!!

Listen Up

This is an amazing song by a singer from the UK named Adele. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Judie y Judy et Debbie

So many great friends!
For those of you I got to see recently - thank you so much, I love you all.

Judie - you are a star, truly. Your positive rays are a joy and treasure plus how crazy good do you look! - turning heads as we walked through Boston headed back to the car. Right on sexy!

Judy - I can not completely express how happy I am that you are back in my life! So many good times had - so many good times to come - although, are kick ass cheap drinks in a gay dive bar like the Eagle a good time ??? Well it was with us there. You are amazing and beautiful.

Debbie - how sweet you are - kind, lovely and just a joy. Although never again am I getting in a freakin wicker basket with you to soar a mile above the face of the earth - that being said I am can't image not having such a great experience in my life and having it with anyone else.

Michelle's Memories

The Mighty Lemondrops, Social D, Depeche Mode, James, Tribe, B.AD., The Del Fuegos!!!

Editors Note: Wow so many awesome shows - but man what about John Eddie, Gutterboy and now Scandal lol - oh some many shows, so many smiles, and so much dancing! So far for this summer I have lined up Juanes, Michael Buble, Chris Isaak, Alejandra Guzman, Belanova, and of course the Regeneration Tour - yay!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Count Your Blessings

Had a hard time fighting the negative and focusing on the postive recently but am home and back on track. Here are some pics from Easter with me and my 2 year old nephew named Joshua. How could I not focus on the positive with a laugh and a smile like that!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I know it takes two to tango so I do not put on the blame on solely Bob. I can see my portion and also know that timing is everything, I do not believe we had it on our side. I ended up putting in a tremendous amount of time and energy into something even though I knew for a long time it was not right. I have admitted in other posts that I am foolish – sometimes being foolish is a positive sometimes it is a negative. I think I can move mountains and that is foolish at times but a good attitude in general. What I need to do is to learn to recognize when the mountain can not be moved.

I worked so well under Bob’s control and so I got caught up in having a relationship that I gave up too much of myself. I let the abuse go on much too long. I could not figure a way out and yet could not stop trying and hence all my sins and flaws came out exaggerated and were presented in a very public forum. This all worked neatly for Bob, as I knew it would. Everything could fit squarely on my shoulders and he could walk away with the feeling that it was not him at all – it never is.

Then came this friends bullshit. You could not treat me well in a relationship, I did not make you happy, I have seen how you treat your friends and I find it despicable and now we are going to be friends. Call a spade a spade – you just needed me to slowly fade so that when you entered into a new relationship and no longer had any need for me then the big kiss off would be that much easier for you. Well it is no longer about what is easier for Bob.

He is now in a relationship and the so the big kiss off came but I did not go away as planned. I told him that our 7 years meant much more to me as I put in sincere and genuine effort because it was that important. I wanted to speak with him to end it like men. Bob gives nothing to anyone – he cannot and will not – even more so knowing that someone is asking it of him. I was asking something of him.

So I stepped to his level and barraged him his truly ugly remarks that I would never have normally said although they were all true. He hates that I exist since I have seen so far behind his curtain. His plans are transparent and motives clear and they only serve to benefit him.

Last night he conceded and we had our final talk. He told me he hates me and will do so until the day he dies. He told me because of what I have said in this past month if he saw me on the street he would not even acknowledge me. How convenient again it is all me to blame. I told him that perhaps I would buy that if I did see first hand him do the very same thing to April and she was nowhere as mean as I was. She is now his good friend again. He and I both know he would not acknowledge me because that is his mode of operation and has little to do with me or anything I have done. I have witnessed him do it and heard him then comment on the gratification it gave him to do so. He knows this.

He wanted to know what I needed for closure and I told him that I needed him to admit that he abused me, and that he is far better off for having had me in his life than he would have been if I were not. I am after all a man that has literally had a loaded gun up to my head because I was so desperate for him to hear my voice over the voice of his own pride. I needed to know that this was not all a waste of my life and time. He admitted it. I moved the mountain and although it is not the one I worked so hard to move, I did move it.

I wish him no ill. I am glad that I was able to get him to a point in his life with so many positives. Before our conversation I had many regrets – they are now consolidated into one. My regret is that he never could put me before his pride so he missed out on something more than he will ever know as well as me knowing because he has not learned how to do this things will continue badly for him -- no matter what the façade portrays.

I will never see or talk to him again. I will think of him less often and get to the point where I never think of him. The book is complete and I have a new one to write with a better ending. I will continue to put my energy in to positive pursuits in my life. I have many miles yet to travel and am glad that I am back on the road.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Buzzed My Head

So I went to the barber recently and said, "Andy just buzz it all over with a one and a half." He looked a little surpirsed, did as requested and did a good job too. I can't decide though if I like it or not. Guess it is ok but although I did not have much hair left in general - what little I did was a type of security blanket. Also buzzing my head because there is not much there anyway is a bit of admitting to myself that I am older. I know that age is just a number and I have plenty of joie de vive but time does happen to all of us doesn't it. Man once upon a time I had such nice hair and did so many things with it! Is that what they mean by the good o'days. Plus you know how it is - everytime I look in the mirror I see the same person looking back at me that I always have seen and for some reason he does not look like he has aged until I see a photograph. Why do photos look so drastically different from the mirror? I swear all times I enjoyed the 4th of July Carnival in Wilmington I never purchased my mirror there. However I count my blessings as I do still have really nice teeth!

Steven Strait Part II

Hello Handsome!
By popular demand - Here is another shot of Steve Strait.

I Almost Crashed My Car!!!

Human League - Belinda Carlisle - ABC - more - in one concert!

Regeneration Tour 2008
When I heard the ad for this show coming to San Diego play across my radio I almost crashed my car! I am so excited. The 80's will never die. It even gives me a reason to wear my checkered slip on Vans and Human League t shirt (as if I needed on since that is what everyone wears in SoCal - how cool am I???). This is going to be big fun. Tickets are on sale this Friday 03.21.08 - although I will have to wait until 08.04.08 for the show.

Michelle's Memories

The first time we saw Brian Setzer.

(Editors Note: I think that was at the Orpheum when he was doing his solo tour for the Knife Feels Like Justice. That was a great show!)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Goal Shirt

This is my goal shirt. I have owned it for a while. I am back on track though in 2008. I have been doing great watching what I eat and dedicated to the gym. Frankie has been kicking my butt at the gym. A bit funny though considering he is 5'8" and is on a diet to gain weight. Thanks Frankie - like I need to know that. Anyway I know this shirt is way fabulous and over the top but I am going to wear it before the end of 2008. Neelam you will particularly enjoy when I get a post of me wearing this shirt. I think your answer to me regarding your opinion of this shirt was "It looks a bit like a clown's blouse". OMG you are so cute! The former however just said in his best encouraging tone "That's foolish". Well I am admittedly foolish but I am not stupid. But in any case I am putting my energy into areas with positive payoffs in my life. Although -- is it positive to aspire wearing a fey, fab shirt while drinking cosmos. YES IT IS!

Raul Bova

Don't Know anything about this Italian actor other than what you see - but that seems like all you need to know!

Happy St Patrick's Day

Michelle's Memories

The party you had for Michael and I to meet.

Editors Note: Oh man I do remember this, of course. It was at Chante's house in Dot and OMG it was fun - Ken was even there, right? - have not thought about him in ages. All in all a fun night and a great memory.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Scissor Sisters to go to Broadway

The Scissor Sisters are to write the songs for a stage musical version of Armistead Maupin's chronicle of life in 1970s San Francisco, Tales of the City.
Frontman Jake Shears and touring band member John Garden - son of Goodie Graeme Garden - will write the tunes, with the show set to open in 2009.
It is being produced on Broadway by the team behind the award-winning puppetry musical Avenue Q.
Tales of the City was voted Britain's favourite gay novel in a 2006 poll.
The story focuses on Mary Ann Singleton, a prudish young woman from the Midwest who moves to San Francisco and meets an unusual collection of colourful characters while living at 28 Barbary Lane.

Steven Strait

Hi There Sweetheart

Michelle's Memories

The night we drove to Atlantic City. Disco Radio Station. Phone Call. Boardwalk. Amazing.

Boyfriend/Partner/ Significant Other

If you see the following traits then I only have 3 words of wisdom:
Run Forest Run!

  • He has no interests, hobbies or likes and assumes all yours
  • He has never seen a classic film because he prefers movies in color
  • He has never seen a foreign film because all that reading is too much work
  • He has no long standing friends
  • He has dislikes all your long standing friends
  • You buy a 3 dollar trinket to give to your friend for no reason other than it makes you think of them and you know they will love it and he says, "You put too much effort into your friends."
  • You are at a club and ask him, "Will you dance with me? I love this song!" and he replies, "No, I don't know this song."
  • His idea of a romantic evening and quality time is is sitting on opposite sides of the living room watching reality tv shows
  • He only has two viable answers to the question "Do you like it?" and they are: "No I don't like it." and "It's ok."
  • He has no relationship with and does not speak to his father at all because his father is a controlling asshole. Remember opposites attract -- likes repel.
  • He truly feels like he has be dealt a bum hand by life because he was not born wealthy
  • He has no passions in life
  • He has never been to see any type of live performance on stage
  • Just prior to you he dated someone of a gender opposite to your own
  • He says that your going to visit your mother once every other week just to see her means that you do too much for her
  • He does not have a body builder physique and yet trims his leg and arm hair
  • He cannot do anything spur of the moment because it does not give him enough time to decide what to wear
  • He uses the phrase "What's the matter" in lieu of saying "I'm sorry I did not hear you. What did you say?"