It makes me uncomfortable that my missing wallet went all this time and finally something happened with some of my cards. Perhaps someone just finally found it. All in all it could be worse and I do feel good as reading is fundamental and I have just made my 2011 donation to the fighting illiteracy in the USA. Lucky my that I have a thief on my hands that happens to be a member of the literati but I am paying it forward in some strange way. Plus not to mention how very happy I am to know that "gangsters" fall in love too. Touching to say the least :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Fighting Illiteracy is Expensive
Sometime ago - either late spring or early summer of this year I lost my wallet. I went to the gym and then to the store and when I got to the store my wallet was gone. I retraced my steps, checked with the desk at the gym and nothing. I then cancelled all my cards and just have no idea what happen to it. Annoying yes but not too bad I was thinking. Last week I suddenly get a call from the public library about over due materials. I have not been to the library in ages and so thought - oh no. I went down to check it out and it turns out that in October someone used my card and checked out "Midnight: A Gangster Love Story" by Sister Souljah and "Red Hats" by Damon Wayans. Since those clearly do not run the gamut of my usual reading fare then I suppose that you can tell my wallet was indeed stolen. Although I cancelled immediately all my credit cards, I totally did not think about my library card. Because I have no police report of the incident, I had to pay $57 - ugh. Although they both got good reviews on Amazon - doesn't it seem awfully high for titles like that. Oh plus I am sure that I am a complete racist as it is fitting to me that those stereo typical titles would interest a thief.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Sun Returned & More Art is Discovered
The sun came back today thank goodness. It has been a very cold and chilly autumn here in SoCal but that is good since it has been wet also (wet is always good but especially during fire season). But today was warm and sunny and very enjoyable. As I was out and about, I found this strange art. I am not sure what to make of it but it surprised me and also intrigued me. It surpised me as I have never seen it before and I have been by the place it is located a million times and it is very hard to miss, so I don't know how I missed it. It intrigued me as it so looks like one of those heads on Easter Island and you know supposedly aliens built those. Perhaps I never noticed this before because aliens just came and built it last night? Whatever the case I was super thrilled today was sunny, warm and filled with newly discovered art.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday Madness
I never participate in the Black Friday craziness - perhaps it is PTSD from all those Black Fridays that I worked at Lechmere but I just staaaaay away! This year I was tempted though as Salvation Army was opening at 7am and giving a 75% off coupon to the first 75 customers. I figured it would be a good chance to restock my items that I am resell on eBay so I went down and joined the madness - and madness it was!
I was excited as I scoured the whole store and felt I did very well find stuff that would make me money. The craziness came when getting in line to pay -- it took over an hour. The register was only giving 50% off not the 75% so the cashier was manually figuring out an additional 25% to take it off by hand. I am not a math wiz but from all those days of my own cashiering, I instantly knew this was not right. 50% off the total and then an additional 25% off the 50% discounted total is 62.5% off the total price not 75% off the total price. First off this is still a great deal because it is off Salvation Army prices, secondly there is no tax at Salvation Army and it is usually 9.75% in CA, and thirdly Salvation Army is a charity - I am not about to cheese down the price at a charity!
I will be kind and only say that the lady behind me was a bit kooky however it did dawn on her too that they were doing it incorrectly. I explained that she was correct and what they were doing wrong but that I just wanted to pay and leave so was not going to challenge it. But then she asks if I would still explain what they are doing wrong as I explained it so well to her! I was like oh noooooooo! She begged please. I reminded her that it was all still a great deal and stuck to my guns refusing to say anything. If I was at Kohl's or Target, etc I would fight tooth and nail for a nickel owed to me but Salvation Army? No thanks I have had enough murky karma this year and am not looking to sign up for anymore. Hope you all survived!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Yesterday my boss told me that they want to convert me from a temporary employee to a regular one on 12.01 -- how awesome is that! I have only been there a month. The lady in HR said it is unheard of. I was already thankful for having made an extremely challenging year into a good one plus for having the support of so many that love me but now I am over the moon thankful! This year is going to end on such an incredibly high note I cannot help but be appreciative and thankful.
My Zumba instructor invited me for Thanksgiving dinner today which I am thrilled about. There is nothing better than a home cooked meal. I hope that all of you have a wonderful day also with your loved ones and see all that there is to truly be thankful for. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Movie Review: Another Year
Mike Leigh is my favorite director. His movies are astonishing! I understand and appreciate why epic tales of romance and valor, like Greek gods, are so immesnse and mezmerizing. They give a larger sense of importance to the universal condition but how many of us truly experience tales like that in our own lives? Mike Leigh can take the ordinary happenstance of living and make it epic, that resonates so much louder with me. First off he never has too many characters and we all know I hate if there are more that 3 or 4 characters to truly follow. It just allows me to connect more completely. Then he takes a snapshot of life and shows a monumental experience via the ordinary daily experiences that we all have. That makes a true epic tale.
Another Year does exactly what Mike Leigh does so well. It brings you interesting and complex characters in an seemingly ordinary world and shows you an extraordinary story. Life is made up of so many little battles, tiny wins, small triumphs as well as minor heartbreaks, trivial setbacks and mini obsticales that you become immune to them and do not recognize them. Nor do you fully see how together they form a life and tell a powerful story. Another Year both recognizes them and displays them. I loved this movie. It spoke so loudly and clearly to me. It made me see and appreciate the epic stories in my own life that might not seem so epic.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Now I See.... And Smell
I have encountered a problem with my new job. It is the first one but it is a big one, or more appropriate - it is a whopper. The problem is that there is a stupid burger king right next door! Everytime I go outside I can smell it! Ohhhhhh it smells so good and I know it tastes good too but it is so bad for you. It is total torture, especially on Whopper Wednesdays when I know you can get a whopper, fries and drink all for only $3.49. Upside is that I cannot smell it while inside the building AND if that it the only problem I have encountered thus far, well then things are going very well!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Present, Past and Future - All in One
What a week - things are on a roll all over! I just know this year is going to end 1,000 times better than it started. On Monday at my weight loss meeting, I released another 4 pounds yay! I also gave the presentation that night. Members of the group volunteer and each week someone gives a presentation on a healthy theme. Everyone knows how much I love to talk and I make my presentations fun and interactive but what really rocked about my presentation is that afterward I realized my fly was open the entire time! What a goof I am! Luckily either my polo was long enough that no one could see or the ladies were too polite to say anything. Either way a silly win, albeit it a win!
I also found out that Adam Ant is coming in February to San Diego - hmmmmm! I am sooooo intrigued! Seems to be perfect timing as I had a large amount of scores on eBay last week. A stop watch I bought for $8 sold for $85 and a burberry shirt I got for $5 sold for $55 as well as some good results on a couple lacostes and a piece of fiestaware. So I might splurge as I am sooooo curious. Adam Ant was the first concert I ever went to where I went because I wanted to go and where I paid for my own ticket. One part of me thinks it would be so fun but another part of me is not so sure I want to see the aged version of Adam Ant. I am not thinking the aging process has gone well for him. He certainly cannot look as good as he did in the 80's but hey who does? I am not usually so superficial when it comes to singers but so much of his act was based on his look. If it turns out I do splurge there will definitely be a review, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A Review: The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is my all time favorite play. I have posted in the past about a version I saw over in Coronado a bit ago and now I got the chance to see it again in San Diego. Truth be told, I love it so much that I would go see a production even if it was put on by third graders. I have been on a bit of a theater splurge lately and so I could not resist getting a discount ticket. It was playing in Old Town San Diego at a theater I have never been too so I was all excited.
The theater itself was great and I loved the stage and the seating but my admit I was disappointed by the direction. The kept Tom too remote. I know he is writing the play and narrating the play but he is a major part of the play. He is in the thick or it and key to the actions that unfold. His presence is mandatory. In addition Laura was played as childish not child-like. Laura is extremely shy and was extremely sheltered but there is nothing childish about her. Amanda, her mother, even comments in the course of the play itself that "still waters run deep and that child broods too much". Then of course there is Amanda herself. She was the best played character in the play but of course that character is such a tornado of a character, it would be insane to play it any other way.
In addition to the poor direction, the actors were horribly cast. The actor that played Tom was clearly smitten with John Malkovich's portrayal of Tom in that he mimicked it exactly, even right down to that extremely annoying and odd cadence that John Malkovich always speaks in. The actress that played Laura just was unforgivably lost. Laura gets her heartbroken and her innocence shattered, like her special little glass unicorn was shattered into being a normal horse, but she does not have a breakdown and hysterical fit over it. Laura is much more intense and internal. You should feel Laura's heartbreak in your own timorous heart but that does not mean you need to see it with your eyes. It is not what truly transpires. Every character in that play has heart break and although it is a stage play, you do not see it - you experience it.
All that being said I am so happy I got to go. I would definitely check out other productions at this theater. As a matter a fact I heard that they but on an amazing Christmas show so I will probably be back very soon. And although this production failed, I was glad to see the directors try different avenues. It made it curious for me. But I do wish that they stuck with Laura's heartbreak as a mechanism to break mine as opposed to over production. The words are there - each one perfection by Tennessee - just let them do their work.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Oh Phooey
On this past Friday I was up early (believe it or not). I was checking my emails when I saw an article that said it was National Corduroy Day on 11.11.11 and everyone was supposed to wear corduroys - so I did. I have one pair of corduroys and they are one of my most favorite pair of pants. I purchased them in 1999 after I lost over 100 lbs. I remember how excited I was when I purchased them as I was excited that they fit, looked great and them made me feel slim. All these years later and I still have them but have definitely gone through periods in which they did and did not fit.
So I went to my draw and pulled them out and was excited that they fit and felt comfortable. I got some more weight loss to go but for me it was an amazing reminder of the work that I have accomplished so far.
Off to work I went in this outfit feeling very good about myself and happy. I looked around all day both in and outside of work and no one else had corduroys on! I started to feel I was the victim of a hoax. I did think it could be more because I live in Southern California but it has been chilly lately - I swear it has. I wondered perhaps if there were people out there taking pictures of video of the goofballs that actually wore corduroys that day - but I could not find anyone spying on me. Bottom line - I have no idea about this National Corduroy day thing - real or not real (although we all know that everything we read on the internet is true, right?) - but what I do know is that I looked good, felt proud and had an awesome day!
On Saturday I then saw that it was National Pizza Day and I thought to myself - that is a enough this BS - LOL
So Far, So Good....
I do not like to post to many specifics about my job pro or con as it is not a good idea. Things that I say (even positive things) might be misconstrued. What I will say in order to keep everyone up to date is that my new job is off to a great start. I am so very pleased and things have really fallen into place regarding working. I am so happy about this.
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Ending the Week with the English Beat
I went and saw the English Beat last night and what a way to end a fantastic week! How lucky would I be to have every week be like this past week! They were awesome and one of the very few bands left from the 80's left on my "to see live in concert" bucket list. Neelam says I need to go to Home Depot and buy a bigger bucket. It was just the original lead singer with new musicians but they were tight. He must live around here as I see them listed a lot and they are a popular live act. Tickets for their shows usually go for like 40-50 bucks but I got a groupon for 15 so I just could not pass it up. Plus they played right here in Escondido, outdoors at the intersection of Grand and Broadway. It was a beer, wine and cheese street festival for local companies so everything just added up to the fact that I had to go - kismet perhaps? Or more just that I am such a townie. But I always become a townie wherever I live.
They sounded great and the crowd was so into it. The night was a bit cool but the band really heated things up with all their great songs. I know they play live a lot so they were completely with it on stage - sounded awesome and were there to have fun. With a vibe like that going forth into to the crowd, it was impossible not to enjoy.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Week One
I finished my first week and things went exceptionally well. I feel welcomed and happy to be there. There will be a lot of work to do but I am excited about that too. If every week goes like the first week then I will be thrilled!
And not only did it start off well but I joined a weight loss contest. Everyone employee that wants to enter puts $100 into the pot. You then have 8 weeks to lose 5% of your body weight. If you do not lose 5% of your body weight then you forfeit your $100. If you do lose 5% of your body weight then you get your $100 plus your share of the forfeited pot. So example last time 6 people joined. 3 lost the weight and 3 did not, so the forfeited pot was $300. Divided by the 3 winners means those that lost got their $100 back and an additional $100 - OMG! I cannot afford to lose 100 bucks so I am excited as I know I will do what I need to do to get my money back which will intern help me toward my weight loss goal! Any extra money is just icing on the cake - please excuse the high calorie metaphor.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
To Reach the Unreachable Star
After having a successfully completing a fantastic first day yesterday - filled with excitement, hope and a lot of promise, I went over to the Lawrence Welk Resort to see "The Man of La Mancha". I had never seen it nor had been to a show over at Welk but I got a discount ticket and figured it would set me off on a good step with it's timing and my new job. The Welk is literally 10 minutes from my house and although curious, extremely curious, I had never made it over there. It is a senior living complex with condos, timeshares, restaurants, golf, a theater, etc. I was figuring the theater productions would be on par with the North Shore Theater and that is exactly what it was like.
First off as soon as you walk into the lobby you are in the Lawrence Welk museum - what a thrill and a treat! I have been to the Liberace museum, the Roy Rogers museum, and now can cross off the Lawrence Welk museum -- boy the bucket list gets shorter by the day! These pictures are from the museum but the lighting was dim and I just had my camera phone so I apologize for their quality - plus how creepy is the one with Lawrence himself, love it! The theater itself was great - not a bad seat in the house, incredibly top notch stage values and an extremely professional sound system. The actors were wonderful -lively, passionate and talented. If you have been to some of the wonderful shows at the North Shore, well they delivered the same intimate entertainment. I am so excited and look forward to more shows here. As I said it is 10 minutes away, they always have discount tickets available on Gold Star Events (thanks Kym for introducing me to that), and free parking. I am in heaven with all these wins!
As for the show itself, well it is a musical theater classic and now I know why. Certainly a classic work of literature too but you know I just adore the theme of refusing to see anything but the good in world regardless of others deeming you insane for it and being steadfast and unwavering to that view regardless of the challenges it brings. I love that, I really love that. I know we all have our trials and tribulations to deal with but unemployment got so bleak for me - and I had to manage the intense fear on a daily basis. I did my best and appreciate the support of my family and friend during those dark days. But to come through that trial and have landed such an exciting job that fits so perfectly and then have a terrific first day, well let's just say these lyrics touched me deeper than they may have touched most in the audience . I know my tears were happier than most as well.
"To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far"
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Day One - Yay!
I got so many text, emails, cards, and calls supporting me for today, my first day. I am pleased to report it all went very well! Certainly there is a lot of work to be done and I thought I would be in charge of a group of 5-7 but am in charge of a group of 15 - but I am excited. They were very well organized, welcoming and professional. I feel so positive and energized. I am excited to start this new chapter! Very, very excited!
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