Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I had lots of Halloween pictures to post but seems my blog is playing tricks on me and being a pain in the ass. But I managed to get this one up. I went to my weight loss meeting tonight and they had a dress up party - although no candy. I got this silly Roman outfit at Goodwill for 2 bucks and it was completely sealed and never used. I had the mask from when I went to New Orleans so it all came together very nicely and turned out to be lots of fun -- even though I did not lose any weight this week. Hope you all had a fun Halloween too and I hope that blogger fixes it problems so I can post all about my first day of work tomorrow - yay. Also special thanks to all the messages of good luck that I got today regarding my starting tomorrow. You guys are terrific. I am so excited - it feels like Christmas eve and not Halloween.
PS Blogger fixed it's issue so I was able to post a picture with me and the weight loss ladies :)

Happy Birthday

10.31 is Oscar's birthday so I went to see him recently. I have not seen him in a while just because things got busy for us both. It was really good to see him and hang out. He is a good man. I gave him a couple nice shirts I found while looking for eBay items to sell and some spaghetti oh's - he was thrilled with both of them. That is his friend Omar in the picture and it was really nice just to hang out and enjoy. We had a fun night with made me happy as I know he had no other plans for his birthday.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spooky Time

Halloween is just about here - eeeeek. I love Halloween since it is so fun. Although trick or treating got post posted in MA because of the snow. That has to be the worst Halloween prank ever! Apparently Mother Nature has a devilish side. Below are some pictures I took recently while definitely thinking of the creepy night to come.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

2 Pictures, 1 Day

Both of these pictures were taken today. Brrrr I sure am glad I am in SD. Although I can remember a couple Halloweens and Trick or Treating in the snow with my costume over my winter coat. Ahhh what is a little winter weather and freezing temperatures when it comes to free candy!


Friday, October 28, 2011

How Perfect

It is getting closer and closer to day one of my new job - yay - but look!!!! I came across this sign today so I am definitely all set! I absolutely know this job is going to go great but mail postcard??? How perfect would I be at that job! Hell I wish I could get back pay for all the mail I have already sent.

Of Mice and Men

I got a free ticket (yay) to see last night a stage version of "Of Mice and Men" over in Carlsbad. First off, I really like Carlsbad - especially the village. It is upscale without being stuffy - like a super low key La Jolla but not quiet as bohemian crunchy as Encinitas. I would totally live over there in Carlsbad as the village is loaded with cool bungalows, garden style apartments, second hand shops, nice restaurants at all price points, and fun bars. I had never been to this particular theatre and did not expect much but I did know it was a professional production and not a community player type deal - still you never know. Boy was I pleasantly surprised! It was a great theatre! Nice set up, probably about 100 seats so real intimate, excellent stage, seating, and sound. All well beyond my expectations.

As for the production - it was great, really well acted. Of course I felt an immediate connection as it is set in Southern California during the great depression, which is not too different a story from today, but moreover the two leads (pictured above) were top notch. Although it is a very sad story of a touching friendship, trying times and a difficult decision. I think the writing of the stage adaptation could have been beefed up a bit to effectively drive home the emotions behind everything leading up to the horrendous final action but still these two leads gave it their all with the words they were given to use. I could still feel the desperation, disappointment, loneliness and heartache very clearly. It is not too difficult having lines to deliver like, "A guy needs somebody to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody". Sparse and yet sharp - so Steinbeck. Yes I know they are Steinbeck's gritty words but they don't get full time to disseminate and resonate within the time constraints of a play. However they still got their punch in as it did make me cry and I am even thinking about paying to go see it again. Regardless, I will definitely keep posted on future shows put on by that theatre company! What a great night out.

In the Middle, In the Middle

Heard that silly jimmy eat world song today and it made me chuckle as I remembered a long ago memory. It did not make me nostalgic, just reminded me that I was once silly and still am silly. I am ok with that. Actually I very ok with that as I know my friends are too. But then I looked around on the internet and followed up with an email that I should not have. Nothing bad or lengthy and I am sure definitely destined for the spam bin. I don't mean to talk around the topic and say nothing at all. But I know I am. Although yes I too use the delete button at times - I am certainly glad there is no true delete button in life. There is no need really, plus if there was then I would be a goner for certain. In the middle, in the middle - LOL, serious LOLs.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why is this Man not the Face of Burberry?

Better question: Why is this man not my husband? There is nothing not perfect about Will Young. I just love him. I know I sound like a silly school girl but he is perfect. I love his voice, his look, his hair, his humour, his talent, his accomplishments - just amazing. He won the very first of these signing talent tv shows and is still releasing #1 records. I suppose I will be content that videos for his new songs have finally been unblocked for viewing in North America but man it just kills me to know he is touring in the UK right now and will not be coming to the USA. It is just insane, he is so fantastic. I know everyone thinks I am all over Mexicans but just one call from Will and my bags are packed and I so ready to start working on my British accent. I can drink tea, I like tea. Truthfully I am happy with a lot of the things I have done with my life - but that trip that ended up being a solo one to see him perform live at Wembley -- that is a memory that I cherish.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On Display

I get my butt out of bed early each Saturday for my 8:30am Zumba class. I do not like exercising that early so although I am cranky, I have fun. This past Saturday after Zumba I cleaned up and went off to man the TOPS table over at the local Health and Wellness Expo. I met up with the ladies and told the visitors of my recent weight loss success and the benefits of a group supporting my efforts instead of going in alone. Oh and I also passed out nail files with TOPS logos, which people accepted like they were gold bars. People go nuts over free crap. The ladies were so excited to have a guy there to appeal to the cross demographic. Thinking back on it, I supposed I should have worn my sash!

At the same Expo my Zumba teacher has a stand so it was very convenient as I could go over and promote that as well. She also was putting on a demo and although I had agreed first to man the TOPS table, they begged me to do Zumba also as once again, I am the solo prized male of the group. I truly know what an endangered species must feel like. I did not mind doing it but I was in my street clothes so was a bit reluctant, however they were very forceful and I really had no choice in the matter. It was fun. We did two numbers and I worked up another sweat. The rest of the morning everyone was like hey there is the Zumba guy. I told you I am becoming such a townie. The attention made me feel good though. Plus I burned even more calories and good a free re-useable shopping bag from another one of the vendors. Yay.

As for this week weight - I stayed the same. Sometimes that is a win and for last week it definitely was a win, staying on track and keeping my focus on where I want to be. Yes I am not positive that does an demo of Zumba for 200 is truly my vision of where I want to be - it certainly was not a bad place to be.

Just in Time for Halloween

Eeeek. Although I love finding new art around town to take pictures of --- how scary is this statue? I have seen it like 100 times and each time I just cringe. It is titled Evolution and it is just so beyond me. I finally had to break down and take a picture of it but I just hate it. The only time I have seen her look good is when sometimes people dress her up - like last Christmas when they put her in a santa suit. Well I guess beauty is the eye of the beholder - although clearly the only eye this would appeal to is Sandy Duncan's bad one.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2 Obsessions for the Price of 1

I have written many times how much I like manhole covers and have posted several pictures. I am really not sure what the fascination is all about, but I just go with it. I do frequently look down as I am walking but not because I am being careful not to trip and fall - it is because I am looking for treasures. I can't even tell you how many times Michelle has chided me for picking up stuff in the street. Not all the treasures I have to pick up though, especially when it comes to manhole covers. I came across the one above just recently and was tickled pink. I have not seen one like it before here in Escondido - yes we all know I am also obsessed also with discovering and taking pictures of random art around town. I love how industrial this one is - sturdy, tried and true. But then there is that pattern! The pattern is also very industrial and yet mesmerizing - it kinda freaks my eyes out like an optical illusion. And then surrounded by the roughness of the street - it just all works for me and I love it.

Time is Ticking

Well my time is flying now as I get closer and closer to my start date. Just over a week away and I am thrilled. Sure I am getting nervous and anxious - as it is normal when starting a new job. But mostly when I think about starting yet another new chapter, I get butterflies in my stomach. I am going to rock though as that is what I have decided.

In the meantime I have continued job searching, to be on the safe side, and have a phone interview and face to face interview set up this week with two different companies. I also continue buying and selling on eBay, which although not making me rich - definitely helps. The hard part about buying is not buying for myself. I do not want to spend my profit before I make it plus I truly have enough stuff. Still I could not pass up these clocks. I seriously have a clock fetish. I absolutely do not need anymore clocks but they were $2 each (with no tax - yay) and so now they are mine. You should hear how loud all the ticking is in my house with all my clocks but I love that sound. Plus how super cool looking are these. And before you go there - I don't want to hear any cracks about me and all my clocks and yet still always being late LOL.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life is Sweet

Things are certainly on the upswing and I cannot wait until 11.01.2011 to start my new job. I am just thrilled. I am not making excuses as I am in control and responsible for my life and myself but honestly the last couple of weeks were so hard to keep focus on my diet and exercise. I lack of focus showed and I gained 6 pounds. However I got that tiger by the tail again and tonight when I weighed in, I lost those 6 pounds and so am thrilled. I am focused and motivated again. It certainly does help that I want to look my absolute best for 11.01. I mean I am going for wow and it is only 2 weeks away. OMG 2 weeks and I will be off on this exciting new adventure. I am gonna work this mother out! Can you tell how excited I am????

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Am Such a Townie

Look! As I was out and about today, I found a new mural - yay! Well it is new to me - I have no idea how long it has been up. I love going about my average day and discovering art - you all know that. And every time I think I have seen it all up pops something else. I get so excited, especially when it is good art like this. It is a visualization of Escondido circa 1920. Just look at it, I love it. It makes happy that my city is beautiful and I can keep finding art hidden all around. Now I am going to work here too! I am such a townie - too funny. I cannot help it as there are so many sterile communities out here but mine has character and discovering new beauty around all its corners is just another one of its charms. I swear I stood in front of this huge mural - which is much larger than my photo - like I was in the Louvre.

Sunday, October 09, 2011


I came across this compass while out and about around town this weekend. First you know how excited I get when I find something new and exciting to take a picture of - I have photographed just about everything here LOL. Secondly I think it is so perfect and fitting. I have a new direction that I am headed toward and I know it is going to become something great because I will make it something great. As I continue to putting all my energy into turning things around for myself, I will admit the light gets a itsy bit brighter each day. I am so excited for my new job!

Saturday, October 08, 2011


Do you really think pigs are happy that this restaurant sells bar-b-que ribs? Just curious.

Friday, October 07, 2011


Great news today - I finally scored a terrific job at a great company today. I am very, very excited. I cannot wait to start this new chapter of my life. It is local company that handles 3rd part benefits administration. New industry - lots to learn and a lot to be thankful for. I have worked so hard for this and really feel that I have made something good happen and want to keep it going. A whole bunch of YAY's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Great Signs and Updates Too

More pumpkins and more initials - awesome! I am taking these as a good signs. I have so much going on! I have had 3 interviews as of late with 3 companies and a follow up interview on Thursday. I am trying to work all aspect and all angles. It is a lot of work with so many pieces in motion but, I am feeling very hopeful and excited. I am staying on top of everyone of them as well as staying on top of yet another potentially great lead that I have an in on but may or may not materialize. I so have my fingers crossed! Please do the same for me. Please!

Regarding diet and exercise - I did not lose weight last week but I did not gain either. I admit that my focus has been low in this area. I am doing my best to regain that focus and find a balance. It is mandatory to do this as I do not want to lose any ground and when I get a job I would need to find that balance anyway in order to keep moving in the right direction.

And listen to this eBay win --- I have been buying clothes on the cheap and selling them for profit as you know. Well one shirt I got is a Marc Ecko that was new with tags for only 4 bucks so I snatched it up. As I was prepping clothes to post, I noticed the tag has a Macy's return label on it so I decided to swing by Macy's to see what would happen if I returned it. No fuss, no muss, no hassle whatsoever, they just scanned that label and said would you like a credit back to your visa or a store credit. Since it was not my visa, I of course asked for the store credit and so they gave it to me as a gift card in the total of $52.24 --- win, win, win! I am thinking I will post the gift card on eBay as gift cards do really well and I will be able to get at least $45 - all in all a good investment. PLUS I have a second shirt, a Liz Claiborne, that I got for $3 in the same scenario -- still has tags on it and one of those Macy return labels. So now I have to go back to Macy's and see what that one is worth. YAY.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Juan Loco Strikes Again!

I have not seen Juan Carlos for a while. He is such a good guy, I miss him a lot. He moved to Mexico with his wife but now he is back and she is going to have a baby soon! I am excited for them! He is on the threshold of so many good things. It really makes me happy. Tonight we were texting - he is so hysterical. Here is a copy of the texts:

Me: hey Juan Loco - how is it going? long time!
JC: Good. I am going to be your neighbor in two weeks.
ME: Awesome - got any extra rooms?
JC: Sorry no but there is a large backyard!
Me: You are funny! I went for a great job here in Esco - fingers crossed
JC: Great - I am trying to apply for a better job myself.
Me: Let me guess - as a gigolo?
JC: What is that?
Me: It is a man that gets paid to make women "happy"
JC: Oh no I got fired from that job
Me: you could not keep all those women happy and smiling - I don't believe it
JC: No, the problem is that I gave them so much pleasure they all kept dying on me
Me: AHHHHHH you are soooo funny - I miss you very much!
JC: Me too man - you are one of the good ones

Saturday, October 01, 2011

October 1rst

I cannot believe it is October already, what a year this has been. Trying, frustrating, motivating, improving, wandering, scary, exciting - yes it has been a year.

My interview went so well on Friday - I know I always say that but I swear they do. I was fully prepared, energetic, full of examples, really engaged with the interviewers in dialog plus I am a perfect fit. I so have my fingers crossed. They even gave me tests that I prepped for. All week long I have been taking personality tests plus solving word problems. I know you cannot really study for a personality test, as I don't know what personality they are looking for but man did I do a lot of self diagnosing this week - along with equations, ratios and fractions.

I also watched the movie "October Sky" this week. I remember once going to the drive-ins and "October Sky" was on the other screen. I kept looking over at it and although I could not hear it, I told myself I wanted to see it. I don't even remember what movie I actually saw. I rarely picked out the drive-in movies to see. Is it odd that I have memories like that? My mind is like fractions - I only ever remember snippets and yet I have no idea why the snippets that stick in my memory do so. I have to ask other people all the time to fill in the rest of the story. Matt and Michelle are really good at that so I guess I should not dwell on it.

Anyway finally seeing "October Sky" was fantastic. I bought it on VHS for 20 cents and loved it. It had that "Stand By Me" feel although not quite as profound. It put a nice sheen on the gee we can do anything story but it threw in enough substance to have some meat to it without being heady. It just focused on a nice, enjoyable, and positive story. The theme of we can do anything was greatly appreciated by the current me!

PS: I was just reading over my posted and noticed the tag line on the October Sky box "A great movie that will live in your memory forever!". How funny is that? Guess there is truth in advertising as it definitely stuck in my memory all these years. HA