Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Well what an end of the year! So much turmoil and I wound up getting terminated from my job. IT is a fist for me. It was a horror show so although worried I cannot say I am upset. New Year and new hopes. I will be in MA for Christmas being reminded of the blessings that I do have. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I have plenty of time so I will be back to regular posts very soon!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I want to keep my blog going as even if no one reads it at all, I write it for myself. Of course I am pleased when others read it but usually I forget there is a larger audience. I enjoy my blog tremendously but I am under siege as of late. I am not being a drama queen, work has just become tremendously difficult and I find it demanding and devouring all my energy. I will not go into to details in a public forum like this but will just leave it as, it has become a challenge. I will do my best to keep posting and will let everyone know when I feel like it is full steam ahead for regular posting again. I love and wish you all well.